Iraq/Kurdistan: Kurdish Security Assault and Injure Avin Atta During Protest Coverage

Atta violently attacked after refusing to hand over her camera while reporting on unrest following killing of Kurdish border courier

Location: Iraq / Kurdistan, Halabja
Date: August 19, 2024

Women Press Freedom strongly denounces the violent assault on journalist Avin Atta by the Asayish - Kurdish security organization . The attack demonstrates the dangerous conditions journalists face when reporting in sensitive areas like border regions. Reporters like Atta play an important role in documenting abuses and giving voice to marginalized communities, such as the Kurdish border couriers who face repeated violence at the border by both Iraqi and Iranian border police. Silencing journalists through intimidation, assault, or detention threatens the public’s access to vital information and erodes accountability. Women Press Freedom calls on the Kurdish authorities to immediately investigate the assault on Atta and hold those responsible accountable. Journalists must be able to report freely and without fear of violence.

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On August 18, 2024, Avin Atta, a journalist with Zoom News, was violently assaulted by Kurdish security officers while covering a demonstration at a border crossing in Halabja's Khurmal district in Iraqi Kurdistan.

The protest was sparked by the killing of a Kurdish Kolbar—a border courier—marking the second such fatal shooting by Iraqi or Iranian border guards in the past month.

Atta and her cameraman were documenting the scene, which saw over 100 protesters retaliate against the killing by attempting to set fire to the Iraqi border outpost. The unrest reflected the growing anger among locals over repeated violence against predominantly Kurdish border couriers, who transport goods through rugged terrain between Iran and Iraq.

While translating for a local religious leader attempting to de-escalate tensions, Atta was abruptly targeted by Kurdish security despite being clearly identified as a journalist.

The officers demanded that Atta hand over her camera and microphone and enter their outpost. Atta refused, asserting her right to document the event and the necessity of keeping her equipment for reporting.

“At that moment a member of the security forces attacked me in a brutal manner, twisting my arm behind my back to forcibly take the camera from me, leaving my forearm injured and partially dislocated,” recounts Atta on video for Zoom News.

Following the assault, both Atta and her cameraman were detained for over an hour without explanation. During this time, her camera was inspected by the border police.

“All I did was insist on entering the outpost with my journalistic equipment,” explains Atta. “In response, they attacked me, resulting in these injuries that I am currently receiving treatment for and will need another week to recover.”

In recent years, press freedom has sharply declined in the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Journalists face increasing threats, including harassment, arbitrary detention, and forced confessions. Despite claims of supporting press freedom, the region’s government has failed to protect journalists.

In July 2024, Women Press Freedom documented the detention of another journalist from Zoom News, Hejîn Fetah. Kurdish security forces detained Fetah and her team while they were en route to cover a protest in Amedi against Turkish military operations. Fetah and her cameraman were released the next day.

The assault on Avin Atta is a clear example of the worsening press freedom in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Silencing journalists through violence and intimidation not only violates their rights but also blocks vital information from reaching the public. Women Press Freedom demands a full and transparent investigation into this attack and urges the Kurdish authorities to hold those responsible accountable. Authorities must ensure that journalists can safely carry out their essential work without fear of violence or retaliation.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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