United Kingdom: WPF Denounces Attempts by Israeli Spokesperson to Discredit Mishal Husain

Lauded BBC journalist faces accusations of bias from government spokesman during heated interview

Location: United Kingdom, London
Date: August 12, 2024

Women Press Freedom denounces Israeli spokesperson David Mencer’s attempt to discredit journalist Mishal Husain during an interview for the BBC. By accusing Husain of bias and linking her questions to anti-Semitic incidents, Mencer’s actions represent a cynical smear against Husain, a journalist well-known for her precision, objectivity, and professionalism. Such tactics are designed to intimidate journalists and discourage them from asking critical questions, undermining the role of the media in holding power to account. As WPF has documented time and time again during this conflict, journalists are often targeted when they challenge the narrative of either the Israeli or the Palestinian authorities. We urge the Israeli government and its representatives to respect the independence of journalists and cease their attempts to discredit the press for asking critical questions about its actions in Gaza. We also call on the international community to stand up against efforts to silence the press and smear journalists for doing their jobs.

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In an interview on BBC Radio 4’s Today program on August 12, 2024, Mishal Husain, a highly respected journalist, was accused by Israeli government spokesperson David Mencer of exhibiting a pro-Palestinian bias.

The accusations came during a tense exchange where Husain was questioning Mencer about an Israeli strike on a school compound in Gaza. Mencer accused Husain of "blindly repeating what terrorist organizations... feed you" and suggested that her reporting was contributing to anti-Semitic incidents in the UK.

The BBC strongly defended Husain, stating she was asking "legitimate and important questions in a professional, fair, and courteous manner."

The Israeli spokesperson’s comments reflect the broader challenges journalists face when covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, where accusations of bias are commonly used by both sides to discredit unfavorable coverage. Women Press Freedom has consistently documented violations against women journalists covering the conflict, both on the frontlines and from afar.

During her interview Husain also drew attention to the restrictions placed on journalists covering the war in Gaza, noting that the Israeli government's ban on international journalists reporting from the region since the conflict began has severely hindered independent verification of information. The ban forces news outlets to rely heavily on government sources, complicating efforts to obtain accurate reports and further polarizing narratives.

This absence of international media in Gaza has also increased the pressure on local reporters to document the situation, often with deadly consequences. Since October 7, 2023, Women Press Freedom has recorded the deaths of 19 Palestinian women journalists in Gaza, most killed in Israeli airstrikes.

In response to the attempts to undermine Mishal Husain, the National Union of Journalists in the UK accused the Israeli spokesperson of hypocrisy, condemning his criticism of news reports from Gaza while refusing to allow media access to the region. The union criticized Mencer for smearing the BBC and attacking Husain, describing his behavior as desperate and damaging to the government’s democratic image. They praised Husain as a “consummate professional,” noting her ability to handle challenging interviews despite criticism from both sides.

Women Press Freedom condemns the attempts to tarnish Mishal Husain’s professionalism by labeling critical questions as biased or as echoes of terrorist propaganda. Journalists like Mishal Husain, who strive to present a balanced and factual account of events, ensure that the public remains informed of the conflict that has claimed thousands of lives and devastated Gaza. As the war continues, the press documenting what is happening must be allowed to operate without fear of retaliation or censorship. We take this opportunity to call, once again, on the Israeli government to allow foreign correspondents into Gaza so they can relieve their Palestinian colleagues and report firsthand on what they witness. 


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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