CFWIJ was honored to have Nobel Peace Prize-winning journalist Narges Mohammadi as our guest speaker for our Annual Press Freedom Review. Narges shared her experiences as a champion for press freedom and women journalists, offering valuable insights into the challenges they face, especially in repressive environments
The Coalition For Women in Journalism is proud to present the Kathy Gannon Legacy Awards 2024 in London, United Kingdom, this year. The awards were presented on November 28, 2024, at the Rory Peck Awards on their 30th anniversary. The CFWIJ honored two outstanding women journalists, Saima Mohsin and Leila Moana-Allen,
On Monday, November 25, Women Press Freedom is proud to join Journalists for Human Rights and the Ambassy of the Netherlands to Canada for a powerful live podcast recording in Toronto, addressing violence against women journalists globally.
Join us for a roundtable discussion on Transnational Repression, a growing global issue threatening journalists, activists and diaspora communities. This event, organized by the Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ) in collaboration with the University of Ottawa, will feature exiled journalists, as well as legal and policy experts. The discussion will focus on the methods used by authoritarian states to silence dissent abroad and explore solutions through investigations and policy recommendations.
The conference brought Ukrainian journalists from all regions to Poland, to discuss challenges they are facing while trying to report during war. CFWIJ’s Máire Rowland will be speaking at the panel “Gender Disinformation Targeting Women Journalists”.
Bridging the Gap for BIPOC Media Fund: Tracie Powell about her philanthropic efforts to increase racial equity - Part 2
Seda Karatabanoglu on Freelance Journalism, Podcast Publishing and Technology
What is the role of civil society organizations when it comes to advocacy? What are the steps for a successful advocacy campaign that NGOs can follow? Our operations manager, Damla Tarhan Durmuş, spoke at NewsLAB conference about CFWIJ’s work to support women and LGBTQ+ journalists and organizing campaigns for advocacy work.
🗓️ September 22, 2022, Thursday
🕐 9 AM-6 PM GMT+3
🎙️ Tasarım Kadıköy Atölyesi (TAK), Istanbul, Turkey
How can journalists protect their mental health from online harassment, stress & psychological trauma? Sania Farooqi is in conversation with Kiran Nazish, founding director of the CFWIJ, and journalist Ghada Queiss.
🗓️ July 19 Tuesday
🕐 9 AM ET
🎙️ Youtube&IG
As women journalists in the field, panelists will shed light on the damage caused by a culture of misogyny prevalent in the online space and share what measures they took to safeguard their mental health.
In the aftermath of Shireen Abu Akleh’s killing in Palestine, join Kiran Nazish in conversation with Dalya Masri, Megan O'Toole, and Rania Zabaneh about how women journalists have taken on the mantle of reporting the truth, often amidst a censored and biased media.
Lady journalists in #Istanbul and #Ankara, we have arranged a networking night next week. Join us at the @terrace41 & @mulkiyelilerbirligi. 🎉💥🍺
#Turkey: Pandemi etkilerinin azaldığı bugünlerde gazeteci kadınlar olarak yeniden biraraya geliyoruz! İstanbul’da @terrace41’de ve Ankara’da @mulkiyelilerbirligi’nde düzenleyeceğimiz buluşma etkinliklerimize tüm gazeteci kadınları bekliyoruz. Katılım için lütfen press@womeninjournalism.org adresine kaç kişi geleceğinizi, isim soyisim ve çalıştığınız medya kuruluşunun adını yazarak mail atın. Görüşmek üzere 👋🎉🎊🍺 Lady journalists in #Istanbul and #Ankara, we have arranged a networking night next week. Join us at the @terrace41 & @mulkiyelilerbirligi. 🎉💥🍺
Haziran ayı dünyada Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu Farkındalık Ayı olarak kabul ediliyor. Biz de Gazetecilikte Kadın Koalisyonu olarak kadın gazetecilerin mesleklerini icra ederken karşılaştıkları zorluklar ve bunların getirdiği travma ve stres bozukluğu noktasında tek seferlik bir etkinlik düzenlemeye karar verdik