Iraq/Kurdistan: Drone Strike Wounds Çira TV Reporter Mydia Hussen, Kills Murad Mirza

Deliberately targeting journalists in a conflict is a war crime. Iraqi and Turkish authorities must thoroughly investigate

Location: Iraq Kurdistan, Sinjar
Date: July 8, 2024

A drone attack on Çira TV reporters Mydia Hussen and Murad Mirza, which injured Hussen and killed Mirza, in Sinjar, shows the ongoing dangers journalists face in conflict zones. This attack on a vehicle carrying journalists, even if unmarked, raises serious concerns about their safety. Mirza’s death reveals the severe consequences of not protecting journalists in these environments. Women Press Freedom condemns this attack and calls for an immediate and thorough investigation by Iraqi and Turkish authorities to find out why the Çira TV vehicle was targeted. Protecting journalists in conflict zones is a matter of life or death. 

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On July 8, 2024, a suspected Turkish airstrike hit a vehicle carrying two Çira TV journalists, Mydia Hussen and Murad Mirza, and their driver. The attack occurred in the Sinjar District, a disputed territory claimed by both the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the federal government of Iraq.

The journalists were returning from covering the tenth commemoration of an ISIS attack on Tal al-Qasab when their unmarked car was struck. Both reporters sustained head injuries and were taken to the hospital. The driver also suffered injuries.

Three days later, Murad Mirza died during surgery after receiving treatment in a hospital in Mosul.

Journalists and media outlets in Sinjar gathered to condemn the attack on the Çira TV crew, calling it a “blatant violation of all human and ethical values, targeting freedom of expression and threatening the safety of professional journalists who fulfill their duty to convey the truth to the public.”

Turkiye frequently bombards Sinjar, claiming to target fighters and positions of the all-Yazidi Shingal Resistance Units (YBS), which Ankara considers an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The PKK is designated as a terrorist organization by Turkiye, the United States, and the European Union.

The YBS was formed in 2014 after the Islamic State (ISIS) seized control of Sinjar, killing and kidnapping thousands of Yazidis. The YBS controls parts of Sinjar, and the Turkish military states its strikes in the region aim to establish a "safe zone" along its southern border to eliminate threats from Kurdish militants and stabilize the region.

Women Press Freedom strongly denounces the attack on the Çira TV vehicle. Deliberately targeting journalists in a conflict is a war crime, and the incident needs to be thoroughly investigated by both Iraqi and Turkish authorities. The ongoing conflict between Turkish forces and Kurdish militants, with journalists caught in the crossfire, highlights the urgent need for stronger protections and accountability mechanisms to ensure that reporters can carry out their work without fear of violence or retribution. We wish Mydia Hussen and Khalaf Khdir swift recoveries from their injuries and send our deepest condolences to Murad Mirza’s loved ones.

Vehicle of Çira TV crew after it was hit by a suspected Turkish air strike on July 8, 2024.


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