Iran: Asal Dadashloo and Marzieh Mahmoudi Charged for Reporting on Teen Protester's Death

Iran continues its crackdown on dissent and press freedom.

Location: Tehran, Iran
Date: May 9, 2024

Women Press Freedom stands in steadfast solidarity with Asal Dadashloo and Marzieh Mahmoudi. We vehemently denounce the legal actions initiated by the Tehran prosecutor's office against these two journalists concerning their reporting on the tragic death of 16-year-old protester Nika Shakarami. These baseless charges represent yet another effort by the Iranian regime to manipulate the narrative and suppress dissent. We call for the immediate dismissal of all charges against Dadashloo and Mahmoudi. It is imperative for the international community to prioritize safeguarding journalists when interacting with Iran. 

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Women Press Freedom reports Iran's prosecutor has pressed charges against Hadi Kasaeizadeh, the editor-in-chief of Meydan-e Azadi Monthly, and Asal Dadashloo for spreading "false and insulting content against the regime" online, following a BBC investigation uncovering Iranian security forces sexually assaulted and murdered 16-year-old protester Nika Shakarami during the Woman, Life, Freedom uprising.

This incident is part of the Iranian government's broader crackdown on media professionals, as documented by Women Press Freedom. Since the 2022 protests, at least 79 journalists, including two women who initially reported on Mahsa Amini's arrest and death, have been detained.

Shakarami's death, marked by severe head injuries, evokes memories of the murder of Kurdish-Iranian Mahsa Amini in September 2022, a tragedy that sparked nationwide unrest.

Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi has dismissed the findings as a ploy by Iran's adversaries. He claimed the report was an attempt to divert attention from ongoing pro-Palestinian protests in the US and Iran's recent missile and drone strike on Israel.

The BBC's investigative report, based on an alleged leaked internal document detailing Shakarami's case, presents a grim account of her final moments. The document suggests she was detained by a paramilitary group deployed by the IRGC, leading to a series of disturbing events that culminated in her tragic death.

Women Press Freedom extends support to Asal Dadashloo and Marzieh Mahmoudi, expressing solidarity with their cause. We categorically condemn the legal proceedings launched by the Tehran prosecutor's office against these journalists for their coverage of the untimely demise of 16-year-old protester Nika Shakarami. These unfounded allegations serve as a manifestation of the Iranian regime's systematic narrative control and suppression of opposing viewpoints. We urgently demand the dismissal of all charges against Dadashloo and Mahmoudi and reiterate our call on the global community to prioritize the protection and well-being of journalists in their engagements with Iran.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

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