Iran: Silencing Dissent, Iran Sentences Pakhshan Azizi to Death

Women Press Freedom is appalled by the unjust, horrendous verdict and calls for her immediate exoneration and release

Location: Iran, Tehran
Date: July 23, 2024

Women Press Freedom vehemently condemns the death sentence handed down to journalist and political detainee Pakhshan Azizi on July 23, 2024. This draconian ruling, issued by Judge Afshari of Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, is a blatant violation of human rights and a gross miscarriage of justice. Pakhshan Azizi has been subjected to inhumane treatment since her arrest by Iranian Intelligence authorities on August 4, 2023, in Tehran's Kharazi town. Held in solitary confinement in Ward 209 of Evin Prison — infamous for its brutal conditions — she was later transferred to the women's ward on December 11, 2023. Azizi has been denied contact with her family for fourteen days, a clear violation of her basic rights. This latest sentence is a transparent attempt to silence dissent and crush free speech. It reflects the Iranian regime's escalating campaign against journalists and activists, particularly women, who dare to speak out against oppression. Women Press Freedom rejects Azizi's death sentence and demands its immediate reversal. Additionally, we urgently appeal to international organizations to pressure Iran to dismiss all baseless charges against the journalist and secure her prompt release.

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On July 23, 2024, journalist and political detainee Pakhshan Azizi, who is currently serving a four-year prison term, was sentenced to death for her supposed role in armed rebellion, Women Press Freedom reports. The ruling was issued by Judge Afshari of Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court and relayed to her legal representatives.

According to Article 287 of the Islamic Penal Code, any group engaging in armed resistance against the Islamic Republic is deemed rebellious, leading to the imposition of the death penalty on its members.

On July 16, Women Press Freedom found that Azizi had been denied contact with her family for fourteen days while detained in Iran's infamous Evin prison.

Azizi was arrested by Iranian Intelligence authorities on August 4, 2023, in Tehran's Kharazi town. Initially held in Ward 209 of Evin Prison, a facility known for housing detainees of the Iranian Intelligence Service, she was transferred to the women's ward on December 11, 2023. 

The actions of the Iranian authorities have sparked significant condemnation from rights organizations, activists, and detainees at Evin Prison, including Nobel Laureate Narges Mohammadi. This has led to widespread social media protests and global outrage over the severe treatment endured by women journalists and activists under the Islamic Republic's governance.

In solidarity with Azizi, sixty women political prisoners at Tehran's Evin Prison held an overnight sit-in on Wednesday to protest against her impending execution.

Women Press Freedom has been diligently monitoring and documenting the climate of dissent in Iran. Our findings highlight troubling instances of press freedom violations, notably escalating since the nationwide protests that ensued after the tragic passing of Mahsa Amini while under the supervision of Iran's morality police. It is disheartening to note that Iran currently detains 43 women journalists, solidifying its status as the leading jailer of media professionals.

We express unwavering solidarity with Pakhshan Azizi and strongly denounce the appalling death sentence imposed on her. We highlight the absence of legal justification for Azizi's sentence, which we attribute to Iran's non-independent judiciary acting under the influence of security forces to stifle dissent. We urgently call on the international community to demand the dropping of charges against Azizi and all other women journalists held for their journalistic work and peaceful civil involvement.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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