Moldova: Nadejda Roșcovanu and Viorica Tătaru Attacked at Pro-Russian March

Journalists threatened by physically aggressive demonstrators while reporting

Location: Moldova, Chisinau
Date: May 9, 2024

Journalists Nadejda Roșcovanu and Viorica Tătaru faced alarming levels of hostility while covering a pro-Russian demonstration in Moldova's capital. The protestors targeted them due to the color of Tataru's coat, which resembled the Ukrainian flag, resulting in verbal threats, physical jostling, and camera interference. Women Press Freedom strongly condemns these assaults; attacking journalists in a public space while they fulfill their duty is unacceptable. Moldovan authorities must take swift and decisive action to hold those responsible for attacking the journalists accountable and ensure a safe environment for media professionals to carry out their work.

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While reporting the pro-Russian Victory Day march in Chisinau on May 9, 2024, journalists Nadejda Roșcovanu from and Viorica Tătaru from TV8 encountered intimidation, verbal abuse, and physical attacks from certain protestors.

In a video analyzed by Women Press Freedom, two men can be seen approaching journalist Nadejda Roșcovanu while she attempts to film those laying flowers at the WW2 remembrance memorial. Her colleague Viorica Tătaru is behind the camera. The men begin hurling insults at the reporters, demanding they “go to Romania,” before aggressively pushing Tătaru’s camera.

According to Roșcovanu, the demonstrators targeted the journalists because Tătaru was wearing a coat displaying the colors of Ukraine.

 “In the images, this group of people attacks Viorica Tătaru. Angry that she is wearing a blue and yellow shirt,” says Roșcovanu. “They surrounded her… and I started filming. This man who appears in the images hit me and Viorica on the hands, he started attacking me."

Local reports state that following an assault on Nadejda Roșcovanu, some participants in the "Victory March" shouted, "Do the right thing. You should be killed."

May 9 is celebrated in Russia as Victory Day, marking the victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in World War II. Marches and demonstrations take place in Russia and in some former Soviet countries to commemorate those who died in the war; in recent years, Putin has used this celebration to promote and propagate Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine.

The commemoration of Victory Day in Moldova occurred against a backdrop of heightened divisions in society exacerbated by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The nation is deeply divided between those sympathetic to Russia and those leaning toward the European Union.  Recent explosions in Transnistria, a self-proclaimed, unrecognized breakaway state of Moldova located at the country's border with Russia, have heightened fears of conflict in Moldova. There are rising concerns about the country's vulnerability to Russian influence. 

In January 2024, while reporting in Transnistria, Viorica Tătaru and her colleague were detained by Transnistria’s pro-Russian secret service officers. The journalists underwent hours of interrogation, and the footage they had captured was confiscated and erased by authorities.

Women Press Freedom demands justice for journalists Nadejda Roșcovanu and Viorica Tataru, who faced threats, physical aggression, and intimidation from demonstrators during the pro-Russian "Victory Day" march. Such attacks muzzle press freedom, discouraging journalists from covering sensitive topics or events where they may face violence or threats. Moldovan authorities must ensure that those responsible for attacking the journalists are held accountable. The press must be allowed to report on public demonstrations without fear of violence or intimidation.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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