US: Women Press Freedom Denounces Idaho Republican Convention Restricting Journalists' Access

Contrary to past conventions, where reporters could observe general sessions, media were confined to a specific area

Location: United States, Coeur d’Alene
Date: June 13, 2024

Women Press Freedom expresses solidarity with journalists, including Laura Guido from The Idaho Press, who were arbitrarily denied access to cover the biennial Idaho Republican State Convention. This convention, a pivotal event gathering Republican delegates from across Idaho to deliberate on rules, resolutions, platform adjustments, and leadership elections, has historically allowed journalistic observation of its general sessions. However, this year, media personnel were confined to a restricted area upon registration. We perceive this as a direct assault on press freedom and journalistic integrity. We demand without delay the restoration of press privileges to ensure transparency in the forthcoming convention proceedings.

Journalists were denied entry to observe committee meetings and events at the commencement of the Idaho Republican State Convention at Coeur d’Alene Resort on June 13, 2024. The biennial convention sees Republican delegates from various Idaho counties convene to deliberate and vote on proposed rules, resolutions, platform modifications, and the election of the party's chairperson.

Contrary to past conventions where reporters could observe general sessions, the press was directed to a confined media area upon registration. The Idaho Republican Party officials said reporters could not witness any convention meetings but could engage with delegates and party officials before and after sessions. Notably, non-registered Republican reporters were barred from attending the Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus in March.

Idaho Republican Party Chairwoman Dorothy Moon defended the restricted access, emphasizing the association's “private” nature and concerns about divulging strategy to political opponents. Citing past incidents of information sharing with political adversaries, Moon justified the stringent approach to media coverage, prioritizing delegates' participation and work efficiency over media presence.

Women Press Freedom finds the Idaho Republican State Convention's media restriction problematic. “Describing a public political event as a ‘private’ association is contradictory and undermines the justification for restricting media access,” says Inge Snip, senior editor at Women Press Freedom. “Concerns about divulging strategy to political opponents suggest a lack of transparency, prioritizing secrecy over the public’s right to be informed.” 

Women Press Freedom expresses deep concern at the exclusion of journalists, underlining the crucial role of press transparency and accountability in public processes. The Idaho Republican State Convention is a public political event that impacts public policy and governance. Republican officials' explanations are rather an attempt to control the narrative and limit scrutiny, suggesting a fear of negative coverage rather than legitimate concerns about strategy leakage. Further, the focus on internal strategy over the public's right to information ignores the fundamental role of the press in a democracy. Media access is essential for informing the public about the actions and decisions of political parties that ultimately impact governance and public policy.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

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