Ukraine: War Photographer Olga Kovalova Injured in Russian Shelling on Front Line

Women Press Freedom condemns the actions of Russian forces and demands an end to assaults against press reporting on its war of aggression in Ukraine

Location: Ukraine, Toretsk
Date: July 19, 2024

War photographers Olga Kovalova and Vladyslav Krasnoshchok were injured by Russian shelling while covering the conflict in Toretsk, Donetsk. This marks the seventh injury of a woman journalist by Russian attacks in Ukraine this year. Although Kovalova and Krasnoshchok were embedded with the Ukrainian army when the shelling occurred, Women Press Freedom calls for an investigation into whether this incident might have been a deliberate attack on journalists. Previous Russian strikes have shown a troubling pattern of targeting areas known to be occupied by press workers. We wish Kovalova and Krasnoshchok a swift recovery and call on the international community to strengthen support for journalists in conflict zones. Ensuring the press’ safety so they can document the conflict is necessary to maintain transparency and truth in wartime reporting.

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On July 19, 2024, two Ukrainian war photographers Olga Kovalova and Vladyslav Krasnoshchok were documenting Ukrainian artillery operations near the front line in Toretsk when Russian forces engaged.

Seeking safety, they took refuge in a dugout with Ukrainian soldiers, which was then struck by Russian shelling. The attack resulted in injuries to both journalists and concussions among the soldiers present.

Olga Kovalova suffered significant injuries, including shrapnel wounds to her underarm, supraclavicular, and chest areas, as well as a broken rib. She was quickly hospitalized. 

Kovalova, a journalist with the Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers, described what happened: "Everyone else in the dugout is fortunately safe. I was injured because I was sitting in the corner near a pipe used as an improvised exhaust vent. Shrapnel came through it. My body armor and helmet protected me to some extent, but the shrapnel hit areas where there was no coverage."

This attack shows the extreme dangers faced by journalists covering the conflict in Ukraine. This year alone, seven women journalists have been injured by Russian attacks. In April 2024, journalist Yulia Boyko was injured in a Russian drone strike in Kharkiv, while Olha Zvonaryova and Kira Oves were hurt in missile attacks on Zaporizhzhya. Earlier in January 2024, Özge Elif Kizil, Violetta-Anastasia Pedorych, and Anna Myasnikova were injured in Russian airstrikes in Kharkiv.

Women Press Freedom has documented the deaths of eight women journalists since Russia’s full-scale invasion began in 2022. Oksana Baulina, Oksana Haidar, Oleksandra Kuvshynova, Vira Hyrych, Lilia Humianova, Natalia Kharakoz, Valeriya Hlodan, and Victoria Amelina all lost their lives due to Russian attacks.

Women Press Freedom wishes Olga Kovalova and Vladyslav Krasnoshchok speedy recoveries and urges an investigation into the missile assault by independent war crimes investigators. The targeting of journalists, whether through shelling or drone strikes, not only endangers lives but also obstructs the flow of information needed for understanding of the war. The Russian military has repeatedly shown its contempt for media workers on the frontline in Ukraine, whether through deliberate targeting or abducting and detaining journalists. Women Press Freedom condemns the actions of Russian forces and demands an end to its assaults against press reporting on its war of aggression in Ukraine. Journalists who brave the dangers of reporting from the frontline must also be protected and supported by both Ukrainian authorities and the international community. Their ability to report conflict is vital for informing the global community of the war and holding perpetrators accountable.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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