Ukraine: Threats Against War Correspondent Anna Kalyuzhna and Her Family

Hostility towards Kalyuzhna follows Ukrainian army commander attempting to discredit the journalist online

Location: Ukraine
Date: June 19, 2024

Women Press Freedom strongly condemns the violent threats made against seasoned war correspondent Anna Kalyuzhna and her family. Kalyuzhna has received numerous death threats and threats of sexual violence, which began after a conflict with Ukrainian army commander Dmytro Kukharchuk, who attempted to discredit her on Facebook. These attacks against Kalyuzhna are utterly unacceptable. No journalist should face violent threats simply for critiquing the behavior of certain elements within the Ukrainian army and media. As a frontline reporter with extensive experience covering the conflict in Ukraine, Kalyuzhna's expertise should be respected. Disagreements with her opinions should be communicated in a proper manner, not through instigating hatred and threats against her and her family. While Women Press Freedom acknowledges the challenging position of the Ukrainian army, which is risking lives to defend against Russian aggression, this does not give its commanders free rein to attack journalists. We welcome the National Police's decision to investigate the threats and call for a swift and thorough conclusion to this probe. Those guilty of making violent threats against Kalyuzhna must be held accountable.

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On June 19, 2024, Anna Kalyuzhna shared she had received dozens of threatening phone calls and messages within a few hours. One call contained a rape threat and threats against her parents.

A day earlier, Commander Dmytro Kukharchuk — an army commander of Ukraine’s Assault Brigade No. 3 — posted on Facebook, listing journalists, including Kalyuzhna, advising military personnel not to engage with them. He stated, "I do not have direct evidence, so I will not accuse them of treason, but I can confidently say that they are not decent people."

Kalyuzhna suspects the threats she has received are linked to Kukharchuk and his subordinates. 

The conflict between Kalyuzhna and Kukharchuk began after the war reporter’s critical Facebook post on military matters. She critiqued a post by TV presenter Yanina Sokolova, who claimed that the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade urgently needed reserves. Kalyuzhna expressed concern about how media personalities and politically connected army commanders (referring to Kukharchuk) could distort narratives, impacting military operations and public perception.

Kalyuzhna clarified that her criticism was not aimed at the rank-and-file soldiers or mid-level commanders of the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade, whom she respected and supported. Despite this, she faced significant backlash, with accusations of treason and disrespecting Ukrainian soldiers.

In response to the threats, Kalyuzhna filed a complaint with the National Police. The police have initiated proceedings under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: Part 3 of Article 171 (Preclusion of the legal professional work of journalists) and Article 345-1 (Threats to a journalist's loved ones).

The threats and harassment faced by journalist Anna Kalyuzhna, allegedly linked to a military commander in Ukraine, raise serious press freedom concerns. When military or government officials use their authority to discredit journalists, it signals an abuse of power and an attempt to silence opposing views. This behavior can undermine public trust in institutions and obstruct accountability. Women Press Freedom firmly stands with Kalyuzhna. We call on the National Police to ensure a thorough and transparent investigation, safeguarding Kalyuzhna and her family from further harm, and urge the Armed Forces of Ukraine to act decisively in holding those responsible for targeting journalists to account.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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