Ukraine: Kateryna Klochko Attacked by Protester During Rally Against Power Cuts

Photojournalist physically assaulted and threatened

Location: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia
Date: July 19, 2024

Kateryna Klochko, while documenting a demonstration against power cuts in Zaporizhzhia, faced physical aggression from a protester who objected to her coverage. Despite Klochko asserting her rights as a journalist, the attacker threatened further violence — the police's dismissal of the incident as non-criminal raises critical concerns. By not recognizing the assault as a crime, authorities send a message that attacks on journalists will go unpunished, potentially encouraging more such incidents. Women Press Freedom denounces the attack against Kateryna Klochko. We urge the Ukrainian government and police to take these threats seriously, investigate thoroughly, and prosecute those who attack journalists.

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On July 19, 2024, photojournalist Kateryna Klochko was assaulted while covering a protest against "unjust power cuts' in Zaporizhzhia. Klochko was documenting the demonstration when a protester objected to her choice of subject matter, demanding she film specific people blocking a car.

The assailant, a woman dressed in blue, approached Klochko, seized her arm, and forcibly turned her towards the car she wanted to be filmed. Despite Klochko's assertion of her rights as a journalist, the woman threatened further physical aggression, saying, "Next time I can use my feet."

The video footage captured by Klochko post-incident shows the woman acting aggressively and accusing the journalist of provoking the situation.

Since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine began, Klochko has been documenting Ukrainian forces defending Zaporizhzhia, frontline community life, and the aftermath of Russian shelling. Her photos have been featured in leading global publications and exhibited in Europe and the USA.

Klochko reported the assault to the police present at the rally, filing a statement for the obstruction of her reporting.

The protest, called the "Rally Against Unjust Power Cuts," responded to ongoing blackouts in Zaporizhzhia. Lengthy periods without power have left the city’s inhabitants without running water in sweltering heat. Participants argued that the power cuts were not a consequence of the war or Russian attacks on Ukraine's infrastructure but were instead due to government corruption and incompetence. According to Ukrainian authorities the recent heatwave in the region coupled with Russian attacks on energy infrastructure have exacerbated the energy crisis causing failure of power equipment, and forcing the energy grid to enact emergency power cuts in multiple cities.

Five days later, Zaporizhzhia police concluded their investigation into the attack on Klochko. They did not find sufficient evidence of a crime having been committed. According to police captain Anna Tkachenko, the actions of the assailant did not constitute a criminal offense under Article 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Article 171 prohibits actions that hinder journalists from doing their jobs. This includes illegally taking their work or tools, refusing them access to information, or forbidding them from covering certain topics or criticizing the government. Violating this law can result in fines, arrest, or restricted freedom for up to three years. If someone influences or persecutes a journalist to stop them from working, they can face higher fines and up to four years of restricted freedom.

Women Press Freedom strongly denounces the threats and assault against Kateryna Kochko. By concluding that the assault on Kochko did not constitute a criminal offense, the police are ignoring the legal framework designed to protect journalists, undermining law enforcement and suggesting a lack of commitment to upholding journalists' rights. This sends a dangerous signal that attacks on journalists can occur without consequence, potentially emboldening future aggressors and making it more difficult for journalists to report. While we recognize the challenges facing Ukrainian institutions as they try to provide services and address the needs of a population under attack from Russia, we call on them to ensure the safety of the press is preserved. Journalists play a critical role in informing the public, especially during wartime. Attacks against them must be addressed, investigated, and taken seriously.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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