Russia: Yulia Latynina Charged a Second Time for Failing to Comply with “Foreign Agent” Law

Kremlin escalates crackdown on exiled journalists through nuisance suits related to draconian foreign agent law

Location: Russia, Moscow
Date: July 11, 2024

The Kremlin has initiated yet another deplorable attack on press freedom by opening an administrative case against exiled journalist Yulia Latynina. This legal harassment is part of a broader trend documented by Women Press Freedom in Russia in 2024; there are currently at least12 cases against exiled women journalists under similar pretenses. This latest brazen act targets Latynina for allegedly failing to comply with the repressive “foreign agents” law, which requires those on the registry to label their content. Latynina, a distinguished former presenter at Echo of Moscow and columnist for Novaya Gazeta, now faces charges for not bowing to this oppressive mandate. This is the second time in mere months she has been harassed over this draconian law. Women Press Freedom strongly condemns the Kremlin’s use of foreign agent legislation to target press workers. This represents a cynical effort by Russian authorities to suppress truthful reporting on its actions in Ukraine and intimidate those who criticize its policies. We call for an immediate halt to Russia’s oppressive measures against independent press and demand an end to the targeting of journalists, both domestically and in exile.

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On July 11, 2024, the Tagansky District Court of Moscow opened an administrative case against exiled journalist Yulia Latynina for failing to follow the “foreign agents” law. The journalist is facing charges for not including the "foreign agent" label on her content, which is required by all added to the registry.

This is the second time the journalist has been legally harassed for the same issue. On 12 February 2024, a court in Moscow fined Latina 50 thousand rubles ($577) for violating the “foreign agent” law. Again she was targeted for failing to label her content with the “foreign agent” disclaimer.

Latynina is a former presenter at radio station Echo of Moscow, a columnist for Novaya Gazeta, and is known for her controversial views, including climate change denial and criticism of leftist politics.

She left Russia in 2017, following a series of dangerous assaults targeting her. This included gas being thrown into her home and an arson attack on her car.

In 2022, Latynina joined the Anti-War Committee of Russia — a group of prominent, exiled Russian public figures who oppose Russia’s war in Ukraine and insist that all involved in the invasion must be recognized as war criminals. Months later, in September 2022, Latynina was added to Russia’s list of foreign agents for the first time.

The Russian "foreign agents" law, expanded since its 2012 introduction to encompass individuals, media outlets, and NGOs, imposes severe bureaucratic and legal burdens on those designated. Those added to the register face extensive reporting requirements, financial costs, and a loss of privacy, leading many to alter their professional activities or leave Russia altogether.

Women Press Freedom denounces the ongoing legal harassment of Yulia Latynina under the unjust “foreign agent” law. Our documentation reveals that Russian authorities are intensifying their efforts against critical and vocal journalists in exile by opening numerous frivolous cases against them. This deliberate strategy of charging and recharging journalists listed as foreign agents demonstrates the Kremlin's determination to silence influential voices who have left Russia. 

We call on the international community to recognize these escalating transnational repression tactics employed by Russia. Exiled journalists, having sought refuge elsewhere, must be protected and supported so they can continue to report critically on Putin and the government without fear of retaliation in their new homes. The Kremlin's relentless pursuit of dissidents and independent journalists must be resisted and must not go unchallenged.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way, and please report the incident by using the following form.


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