Mexico: Residents Prevent Yessica Ayala and Joselyn Meneses from Reporting on Robbery

Residents insisted the journalists cease filming and held them for 30 minutes, compelling them to delete all footage before letting them go

Location: Mexico, Atlixco
Date: June 11, 2024

Women Press Freedom vehemently condemns the intimidation and obstruction faced by journalists Yessica Ayala and Joselyn Meneses at the hands of fifteen residents in San Jerónimo Coyula, Atlixco, Puebla. On June 11, 2024, Ayala and Meneses arrived to cover an alleged lynching incident involving four individuals accused of robbery. During their reporting, residents detained Ayala and Meneses for over thirty minutes and forced them to delete their footage. This blatant act of intimidation is a direct assault on press freedom and the public's right to be informed. Such tactics are intolerable and severely undermine the vital role of journalists in keeping the public informed. We call for a thorough investigation into this matter and demand accountability for those responsible. Journalists must be able to perform their duties without fear of intimidation. 

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On June 11, Ayala and Meneses were detained by a group of fifteen residents while covering an alleged lynching incident involving four individuals accused of robbery. 

According to the reporters, when they arrived in the community of San Jerónimo Coyula shortly before 10:00 a.m. on June 11, 2024, they were briefed on reports suggesting an alleged lynching of four people accused of robbery the night before. Parking their vehicle a block away from the gathering, Meneses stepped out to document the developing situation.

Upon realizing that recording was taking place, approximately 15 residents surrounded the journalists, with Ayala remaining inside the vehicle while Meneses reentered to retrieve her press credentials. The residents demanded an end to the recording, asserting, "You can't record here. We don't want the press, we don't want cameras!" Meneses recounted.

Despite agreeing to delete the content, the journalists were detained for over thirty minutes until the journalists deleted the material in front of the crowd.

Amidst a backdrop where the state of Puebla leads nationally in lynching cases, as reported by the Human Rights Commission, due in part to citizens' lack of trust in authorities, such incidents contribute to a hostile environment against the press, inhibiting journalistic coverage and the dissemination of vital public interest information.

Women Press Freedom expresses deep concern over the state of press freedom in Mexico, a country known for its hostile stance towards media workers who frequently face repercussions for attempting to uncover the truth and hold those in power accountable. We will continue to vigilantly monitor and document instances of violations against women journalists, while advocating for press freedom in Mexico.

Women Press Freedom stands firmly in support of Yessica Ayala and Joselyn Meneses. We vehemently condemn the intimidation they endured while fulfilling their journalistic duties and call for immediate measures to protect journalists' safety and uphold press freedom. We urge the municipal government of Atlixco and the state government of Puebla to establish comprehensive public policies that guarantee the safety of journalists in the pursuit of their work.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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