Mexico: CFWIJ Condemns State Authorities For Impeding Dianeth Perez Arreola

Location: Mexico
Date: April 28, 2021

Investigative journalist and founder of a news website, “Yo Rechazo la Corrupción y la Impunidad”, Dianeth Perez Arreola was intimidated by state authorities for reporting on the alleged corruption of a political figure, Natalia Rivera. Dianeth was communicated to take down important revelations from her website or she could be arrested. The journalist received three letters dated March 23 and April 19 from Special prosecutor's offices in Baja California state and Sonora state. CFWIJ is damaged by the unjustified use of power by state authorities to protect the alleged corruption of a political candidate. We demand special prosecutor offices in Baja California and Sonora to revoke these letters and stop interfering in Dianeth’s journalistic work. CFWIJ stands in solidarity with the journalist and offers her full support.

Dianeth received the first letter from the office of Special Prosecutor for Attention to Electoral Crimes of Baja California on March 23. The letter demanded her to take down any of the material she has published against the political figure, Natalia Rivera. On April 9, the journalist was communicated via two letters, one from the Baja California state Prosecutor office and the other from Sonora state. The letters again ordered her to not report any news related to Natalia Rivera or she could be arrested for not complying.

Dianeth while speaking to CPJ revealed that she has taken down much of her coverage on Rivera after receiving those letters. The journalist said that authorities accused her of violating Sonoran General Law for Women’s Access to Life Free of Violence in the published material. The letters warned Dianeth to not publish any more details of candidates' public life details to degrade a woman. Daineth’s news website had published a video on the alleged role of Rivera using illegal means to enrich herself while holding the position of a public official. The videos have now been taken off.

The journalist has published about receiving the letters to stop publishing her work on Natalia Rivera. The journalist has called on the state prosecutors of Baja California and Sonora for harassing her by intimidating her work. She further shared that allegations against her are lame as none of her coverage on Natalia Rivera shared anything on her personal life or degraded her as a woman.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism denounces this blatant use of power by state authorities against Dianeth Perez Arreola. No journalist should be threatened just for carrying out her job. We ask special prosecutors' offices in Baja California and Sonora to cancel the letters they have sent to Dianeth and stop impeding her journalistic work.


The CFWIJ strongly condemns the police brutality against journalists. We demand the immediate return of the press cards seized from the security forces. Policies to intimidate journalists should be abandoned, and journalism should be practiced under the criteria of freedom of the press.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way, and please report the incident by using the following form.


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