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Mexico: CFWIJ Condemns State Authorities For Impeding Dianeth Perez Arreola

Investigative journalist and founder of a news website, “Yo Rechazo la Corrupción y la Impunidad”, Dianeth Perez Arreola was intimidated by state authorities for reporting on the alleged corruption of a political figure, Natalia Rivera. Dianeth was communicated to take down important revelations from her website or she could be arrested. The journalist received three letters dated March 23 and April 19 from Special prosecutor's offices in Baja California state and Sonora state. CFWIJ is damaged by the unjustified use of power by state authorities to protect the alleged corruption of a political candidate. We demand special prosecutor offices in Baja California and Sonora to revoke these letters and stop interfering in Dianeth’s journalistic work. CFWIJ stands in solidarity with the journalist and offers her full support.

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