Italy: WPF Welcomes the Dismissal of SLAPP Against Journalist Sara Manisera

Manisera was accused of defamation for remarks she made at an award ceremony in 2022

Location: Italy, Crotone
Date: July 27, 2024

After almost two years, Sara Manisera’s legal battle with the Mayor of Abbiategrasso finally comes to an end, as a judge dismisses the libel case against her. Women Press Freedom celebrates the decision but notes that this baseless defamation claim should never have reached the courts. In Italy, the legal system is frequently misused to target journalists, with political figures, including the Prime Minister, often filing vexatious lawsuits to silence criticism. These SLAPP cases burden journalists with costly legal defenses and drag on for years. Italy's defamation laws, which still allow prison sentences, urgently need reform. Women Press Freedom urges the Italian parliament to update these laws to reflect true democratic values.

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On July 27, 2024, the Judge for Preliminary Investigations in Crotone, Elisa Marchetto, dismissed a defamation and slander lawsuit against award-winning freelance journalist Sara Manisera.

The lawsuit, filed in September 2022 by the Mayor of Abbiategrasso, Cesare Francesco Nai, accused Manisera of aggravated defamation and slander for her public remarks on mafia presence in northern Italy, specifically in the municipality of Abbiategrasso.

Manisera's statements, made during the award ceremony of the Diego Tajani Prize, mentioned the infiltration of mafia organizations in public contracts and urban development projects in Abbiategrasso. She noted, “In Abbiategrasso, in the province of Milan, I have seen the mafia enter the municipality, public contracts, and especially the cement industry because the mafia loves cement, shopping malls.”

Judge Marchetto ruled that the defamation allegations were unfounded, and the accusations lacked substance. The dismissal recognized that Manisera's comments were general observations about mafia activity and not directed at identifiable people or officials within the municipality.

Manisera, a freelance journalist who covers gender issues, minorities, agriculture, and the environment, expressed her satisfaction with the decision. She praised Ossigeno per l'Informazione for their pro bono legal support over the two-year ordeal and thanked civil society for their solidarity in defending the right to information.

“I am very happy about this dismissal because it once again shows how widespread lawsuits aimed at silencing the most critical voices of power are, whether they are journalists or activists,” wrote Manisera on X.

Criminal Defamation, Culture of SLAPPs and Declining Press Freedom in Italy

Italy's criminal code allows for prison sentences of up to three years for individuals found guilty of defamation through the press. Despite a 2020 Constitutional Court ruling urging the government to abolish these punitive measures against journalists, the Italian parliament has failed to take action. This inaction has led press freedom organizations to demand urgent reforms to protect journalists from legal harassment.

Italy’s defamation laws are frequently exploited in SLAPP cases—legal actions taken by powerful entities against journalists or activists to suppress their reporting or activism. These lawsuits aim to financially and emotionally drain the defendants, causing stress and discouragement.

Politicians, including the current Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, often use these legal actions to intimidate journalists. Earlier this month, journalist Giulia Cortese was ordered to pay Meloni €5,000 in damages for mocking her height on social media. A judge ruled that two tweets by Cortese were defamatory and amounted to "body shaming." Last year, anti-mafia writer Roberto Saviano was fined €1,000 for calling Meloni “a bastard” in a television interview concerning her migration policies. Meloni is also involved in a lawsuit against journalist Rula Jebreal over a tweet from September 2022.

Italy’s press freedom ranking has dropped due to increasing threats, including organized crime, gag laws, and the exploitation of defamation laws to silence critics. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her Brothers of Italy party are also facing growing criticism for exerting control over Italy’s national broadcaster, RAI, by ousting executives and hosts in favor of political allies.

Despite these concerns, Meloni denies any efforts to stifle media freedom, blaming “fake news” for the negative portrayal of her government.

The dismissal of the defamation case against Sara Manisera is a win for press freedom in Italy, but it highlights a serious issue: Italy's defamation laws are still being misused to silence journalists. SLAPPs like this one are designed to intimidate and exhaust journalists with lengthy and expensive legal battles. These abusive lawsuits threaten the very foundation of a free press and must be stopped. Women Press Freedom urges the Italian parliament to reform these outdated defamation laws and protect journalists from such legal harassment.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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