Italy: WPF Denounces Smear Campaign Launched Against Journalists Who Contributed to Press Freedom Report

Journalists labeled “anti-Meloni” by pro-government media outlets

Location: Italy
Date: July 30, 2024

Women Press Freedom expresses grave concern over a targeted smear campaign against journalists who contributed to a European report on the deteriorating state of press freedom in Italy. This campaign, driven by pro-government media outlets, seeks to delegitimize these journalists by branding them as "anti-Meloni" and accusing them of exaggerating the threats to press freedom under Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Such attempts to discredit and isolate journalists not only threaten their safety but also represent a broader attack on press freedom in Italy. Women Press Freedom strongly denounces this cynical attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the report and sees it as a tactic to divert attention from the report's alarming findings. Under Meloni's leadership, press freedom in Italy is slipping, with political interference in the public broadcaster and the persistent use of SLAPPs by political figures to target critical journalists. The Italian government and Meloni's supporters must stop their derogatory attacks on journalists and independent news outlets and instead address the issues that are causing press freedom to erode in the country. We call on the European Union to take a firm stance against these tactics and hold Italy accountable for the deterioration of press freedom under Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's leadership.

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A smear campaign targeting journalists escalated on July 30, 2024, following an article by Domenico Di Sanzo, that was widely circulated by media outlets supportive of Meloni’s administration.

The article specifically targets journalists from major Italian media organizations, including La Repubblica, La Stampa, Radio Popolare, Il Fatto Quotidiano, and Domani. These journalists are accused of bias and of using their platform to undermine the government by contributing to the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) report on Italy. This report, funded by the European Union, highlights concerns about press freedom in Italy, including strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) and attempts to censor the national broadcaster, RAI.

Among those named in the article are Anna Bredice, Martina Castigliani (Il Fatto Quotidiano) and Francesca De Benedetti (Domani). The article insinuates that their contributions to both the report and their respective outlets constitute a conflict of interest driven by political motivations rather than journalistic integrity. This narrative is a transparent attempt to discredit the MFRR report by questioning the impartiality of its contributors.

In response, the Italian journalist union, Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana (FNSI), has condemned the campaign, likening the labeling of journalists as "anti-Meloni" to the creation of blacklists — a tactic commonly associated with authoritarian regimes. The FNSI emphasized that journalists must be able to report freely and independently without fear of political retribution or coercion.


Meloni’s Escalating Control Over the Media

Since assuming office nearly two years ago, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her party, the Brothers of Italy, have come under fire for exerting undue pressure on the national broadcaster, RAI. There are reports of long-standing executives and hosts being forced out and replaced with political allies. This has led to the broadcaster being nicknamed “Tele-Meloni,” reflecting the broader concerns about media freedom in Italy.

Italy's press freedom ranking has plummeted from 41 to 46 this year, a decline attributed to various factors, including threats from organized crime, restrictive gag laws, and a legal environment conducive to SLAPPs. Italy’s defamation laws, which include provisions that could result in up to three years of imprisonment for defamatory acts through the press, are frequently exploited in SLAPP cases. Politicians, including Prime Minister Meloni, have been accused of using these laws to intimidate and silence critical journalists.

Earlier this month, journalist Giulia Cortese was ordered to pay Meloni €5,000 in damages for mocking her height on social media. A judge ruled that two tweets by Cortese were defamatory and amounted to "body shaming." Last year, anti-mafia writer Roberto Saviano was fined €1,000 for calling Meloni “a bastard” in a television interview concerning her migration policies. Meloni is also involved in a lawsuit against journalist Rula Jebreal over a tweet from September 2022.

Meloni vehemently denies accusations from the European Commission regarding her government’s role in eroding press freedom, dismissing these claims as "clumsy and specious attacks" driven by disinformation. In a letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Meloni rejected the notion that her administration is tightening control over RAI and stifling criticism, blaming the spread of "fake news" for distorting the EU’s report on Italy’s rule of law.

The ongoing smear campaign against journalists contributing to the European press freedom report is a deeply troubling indicator of the state of press freedom in Italy. By attempting to delegitimize and discredit journalists through accusations of bias, pro-government media is engaging in tactics reminiscent of authoritarian regimes. These actions not only jeopardize the safety of these journalists but also undermine the critical role of a free press in holding power accountable.

Women Press Freedom stands in solidarity with the journalists and media outlets targeted by these baseless smears. We demand an immediate end to these attacks and urge the Italian government and its supporters to address the substantive issues highlighted in the MFRR report. We also call on the European Union to take decisive action in holding Italy accountable for the ongoing deterioration of press freedom.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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