Canada: CFWIJ Condemns Toronto Star For Failing To Investigate The Workplace Harassment Suffered By Theresa Boyle

Location: Canada
Date: April 20, 2021

Toronto Star health reporter, Theresa Boyle, shared the ordeal of her harassment case on Twitter on April 18. Two years ago, Theresa was harassed by an editor, and she reported the incident to the HR department. The news outlet did not start a proper investigation for two years despite the parent company, Torstar, having a tough-on-paper harassment policy. After a lack of response, Theresa asked the company to retain an external investigator to look into the allegations. Although the news outlet assured the journalist they would find someone she was comfortable with, they hired an investigator who practices employer-side labor law. Theresa communicated her dissatisfaction with their selection to no avail, and the investigation is now underway. CFWIJ condemns the company’s failure to address the harassment and total disregard for the journalist’s concerns.

Theresa shared in a Twitter thread that as a result of the workplace harassment, she suffered a stress-induced heart attack (diagnosed as a spontaneous coronary artery dissection). Theresa was sidelined and could not report on the Covid-19 pandemic as she had intended. The Toronto Star has failed to investigate the matter until now, neglecting not only their own harassment protocols but provincial laws as well. While the inquiry is now in motion, the investigator’s impartiality remains questionable given his experience practicing employer-side labor law. Theresa voiced concerns over the company’s choice in investigator, but they have seemingly been ignored. The prolonged delay in the inquiry caused both professional and health consequences to Theresa, as well as emotional distress.

Theresa's work as a health reporter has earned her highly acclaimed journalism awards in Canada. As a leading journalist in the field, it is unfortunate that Theresa could not report on the biggest health crisis of modern history. Several journalists have offered their support to Theresa, and some have shared similar experiences. Washington Post correspondent Felicia Sonmez also expressed her support for Theresa. Quoting Theresa’s tweet, she said, “an important thread by a brave journalist who experienced on-the-job harassment that inflicted a major toll on her health. After she reported it, she was sidelined. Standing with you, Theresa. You never should have had to endure this.” CFWIJ also reported on January 28, 2020, an ordeal of unfair treatment Felicia had gone through, under her employer the Washington Post. Read full story about Felicia’s ordeal here.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism stands in solidarity with Theresa Boyle and offers her full support. We share your pain and stand with you in this troubling time. We believe no journalist should be subjected to any sort of workplace harassment. Theresa’s concerns regarding the investigation are valid and deserve consideration. CFWIJ urges the Toronto Star to reevaluate their selected investigator to ensure an unbiased inquiry into the matter. We demand the outlet take necessary action to provide a safe and supportive working environment for journalists.


The CFWIJ strongly condemns the police brutality against journalists. We demand the immediate return of the press cards seized from the security forces. Policies to intimidate journalists should be abandoned, and journalism should be practiced under the criteria of freedom of the press.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way, and please report the incident by using the following form.


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