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Canada: CFWIJ Condemns Toronto Star For Failing To Investigate The Workplace Harassment Suffered By Theresa Boyle

Toronto Star health reporter, Theresa Boyle, shared the ordeal of her harassment case on Twitter on April 18. Two years ago, Theresa was harassed by an editor, and she reported the incident to the HR department. The news outlet did not start a proper investigation for two years despite the parent company, Torstar, having a tough-on-paper harassment policy. After a lack of response, Theresa asked the company to retain an external investigator to look into the allegations. Although the news outlet assured the journalist they would find someone she was comfortable with, they hired an investigator who practices employer-side labor law. Theresa communicated her dissatisfaction with their selection to no avail, and the investigation is now underway. CFWIJ condemns the company’s failure to address the harassment and total disregard for the journalist’s concerns.

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