Argentina: Ivy Cángaro Placed Under Police Protection Following Doxxing and Threats from Far-Right

Women Press Freedom denounces attacks against the journalist following her critical reporting on extremist ideologies

Location: Argentina, Buenos Aires
Date: July 9, 2024

Journalist Ivy Cángaro has been placed under police protection following severe threats and doxxing by people associated with the ultra-right group Fuerza UnidAria Argentina. Women Press Freedom condemns these attacks, which occurred after Cángaro reported on the neo-Nazi beliefs of a man on trial for the attempted assassination of Argentina’s former president and his links to far-right groups. By targeting Cángaro, these far-right elements aim to intimidate her and suppress critical scrutiny of their activities. We commend the authorities for their swift action in enacting protection measures to ensure the safety of Cángaro and her family following the threats. We call on authorities to expedite the judicial investigation to ensure those responsible for targeting Ivy Cángaro face swift and severe consequences. These attacks perpetrated by far-right extremists with a history of inciting violence must not be allowed to occur with impunity.

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Sebastián Poch, an infamous Right-wing figure associated with the Kyle Rittenhouse Cultural Center, has publicly disclosed Cángaro's personal information. This act of doxxing has resulted in numerous threats against Cángaro and her children, including chilling messages suggesting harm to her family. One of the messages sent to the journalist stated, “This one's children will have to be careful."

Besides doxxing the journalist, Poch also issued threats against her family. “He is responsible for what may happen to me,” Cángaro wrote on X.

The doxxing and subsequent threats came in response to her exposé in which she critically examined the "Nazi ideas" espoused by Sabag Montiel. Montiel is currently facing trial for the 2022 assassination attempt on former Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

Cángaro believes that those associated with the extreme Right group Fuerza UnidAria Argentinan are the source of the threats. In her reporting, Cángaro mentioned Montiel's association with Fuerza UnidAria Argentinan, exposing how his extremist views aligned with the group and other similar far-right organizations in the country. 

The Far-right Fuerza UnidAria Argentina, emerging during the COVID-19 pandemic and based at the Kyle Rittenhouse Cultural Center, has a notorious history of inciting violence and promoting extremist views. The group's founder has previously endorsed violent acts, including a video supporting the 2022 assassination attempt on the former president.

In response to the threats, Cángaro lodged a formal complaint with the authorities. She and her family have now been granted permanent protective custody. A judicial investigation has also been initiated against those responsible for the threats, as well as against Sebastián Poch for doxxing her.

Women Press Freedom commends the swift action by Argentine authorities in placing Cángaro and her family under police protection. These attacks are a blatant attempt to intimidate Cángaro and suppress her investigative work that exposes dangerous far-right ideologies and their proponents. These groups have a history of resorting to violence or inciting violent acts against those who oppose their views. We call on the Argentine government to expedite the judicial investigation and enforce severe penalties on those targeting Cángaro. Protecting journalists is vital to maintaining a free and democratic society, and we stand in solidarity with Ivy Cángaro and all journalists facing similar threats.


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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