Tunisia: The Coalition For Women In Journalism Joins 55 Other Organizations Condemning The Sentence Against Amna El Sharqi

Location: Tunisia, Tunis
Date: July 21, 2020
Available in: 🇸🇦  عربي

Blogger Amna El Sharqi received a sentence of 6 months in prison and 2000 Tunisian dinars (650 USD) fine for charges on violating sanctities and calling for hatred between religions and races on July 14.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism joins the undersigned associations and organizations to condemn this ruling issued by the Sixth Chamber of the First Instance Court in Tunisia against Amna El Sharqi.

Read the statement below:

We recall that on May 2, 2020, Amna Al Sharqi published a sarcastic text on her Facebook page entitled “Surat Al-Corona” speaking on the Covid-19 pandemic and simulating the Quranic verse. As a result, she was summoned on May 4 by the police for interrogation. On May 6, Amna appeared before the Public Prosecution Office, which decided to prosecute her in accordance with Chapters 52 and 53 of Decree No. 115 of 2011 of November 2, 2011 related to freedom of the press, printing, and publishing for “violating religious rites permitted to practice” and “inciting inter-religious hatred”.

This makes her subject to a maximum prison sentence of 3 years. The text of “Surat Al-Corona” does not in any way represent an attack on religious rituals and does not include any discrimination or incitement to hatred.

It is also worth noting that articles 52 and 53 are in stark contrast to the provisions of the Constitution, which guarantees the right to freedom of opinion, thought and expression in accordance with Article 31. It also guarantees freedom of conscience and belief in its sixth chapter and with Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ratified by Tunisia.

On this basis, the constituent associations of the Observatory for the Defense of the Right to Difference and a number of human rights organizations that follow below express their deep regret at the results of violations of freedoms and freedom of expression in Tunisia and call for:

1- Adopting a penal policy that preserves freedom of thought, opinion, and conscience by refraining from going after people who express their beliefs.

2- Media should act more professionally in order to protect the privacy of their sources and should not act in a way to serve political or factional interests, as the sentencing of Amna was leaked and published by the media before it was demarcated in the court book

3- The undersigning organizations and associations to support Amna Al-Sharqi with all possible means, and express the necessity of freedom of conscience, opinion, and expression in all platforms.

The signatory organisations:

  1. Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights (LTDH)

  2. The Tunisian Judges Association

  3. Tunisian Association for Democratic Women

  4. The Association to Activate the Right to Difference

  5. Tunisian Association for Defending Individual Liberties

  6. Beity Association

  7. Bawsala

  8. The Tunisian Association for the Defense of University Values

  9. The Tunisian Association of Cultural Mobility

  10. The convergence society

  11. “We are not to to be traded” association

  12. Unity in diversity Association

  13. Tunisian Association DEMJ for justice and equality

  14. The Tunisian Association for Combating Violence “Mawjoudin”

  15. “Chouf” Association

  16. “Tunisia that we want” Association

  17. The Tunisian Association for the Amazigh Culture

  18. Tunisian Association of Rural Women, Jendouba

  19. The Tunisian Association for Positive Prevention

  20. League of Female Voters (LET)

  21. Second Chapter Association

  22. Association of Female Citizens

  23. Tunisian Association for Studies on Gender

  24. Association My Arts Against Me

  25. Kalam Association

  26. Tawhida ben Cheikh Group for Research and Action for Women Health

  27. The National Observatory of Defense of the Civilization of the State

  28. Association of prospects – the Tunisian worker

  29. The Association of Arts and Cultures in both sides

  30. Creation and Creativity Association for Development and Employment

  31. The Association of Citizenship, development, cultures, and immigration on both sides (CDCMIR)

  32. The Euro-Mediterranean Rights Network

  33. Danr Organisation

  34. “Together” Association

  35. Tunisian Union of Associative Media

  36. Shams Association

  37. Tunisian Female Association for Research on Development (AFTURD)

  38. Mnemti Assocoation

  39. Female Voices Association

  40. Initiative “We exist for equality”

  41. Association of Street Art

  42. Citizenship and Freedom Association

  43. Medenine Association for Development and Strategic Studies

  44. Zarzis New Visions

  45. Tunisian Association for the Defense of the Rights of the Child

  46. Anti-Violence Association

  47. Ibsar Association for Culture and Entertainment of People with Visual Disabilities

  48. Yakadha Association

  49. Hassan Al-Saadawi Foundation for Democracy and Equality

  50. Tunisian Association for Reproductive Health

  51. International Federation for Human Rights

  52. Access Now

  53. World Organization Against Torture

  54. Lawyers Without Borders Organisation

  55. Democratic Transition and Human Rights Support Center (DAAM)

  56. The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ)


The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world, and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

Follow us on Instagram @womeninjournalism and Twitter @CFWIJ. Our website is WomenInJournalism.org and we can be reached at press@womeninjournalism.org


The Coalition For Women In Journalism closely monitors the incidents in Turkey with great concern. Since March 8, Women's Day, police violence against women journalists increasingly continues in the country. As the coalition, we urge the Turkish state to provide a free environment for journalists. Following the news is our most fundamental democratic right to report. We demand the immediate release of our detained colleagues. Journalism is not a crime. Journalism cannot be prevented.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way, and please report the incident by using the following form.


تونس:تحالف النساء العاملات بالصحافة ينضم ل55 منظمة لأدانة إدانة الحكم الصادر في حق المدونة آمنة الشرقيلا للمساس من الحرية باسم المقدسات


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