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China: CFWIJ Concerned About Journalist Zhan Zhang’s Health And Demands Her Immediate Release

The health of journalist Zhan Zhang is rapidly deteriorating in prison. She was arrested last year in May for reporting on state mismanagement and negligence in their response to the COVID crisis. She was sentenced to four years in prison in December 2020 on charges of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”. The journalist has pre-existing medical conditions that her family has already raised the alarm on.

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Türkiye: Gazeteci Semiha Şahin Ve Pınar Gayıp’ın Duruşması 14’üncü Kez Ertelendi – Gazeteciler Derhal Beraat Etmelidir

İstanbul – Etkin Haber Ajansı (ETHA) editörü Semiha Şahin ve muhabir Pınar Gayıp’ın “örgüt üyeliği” ve “örgüt propagandası yapmak” suçlamalarıyla tutuksuz yargılandığı dava 14’üncü kez ertelendi. Mahkeme, eksik unsurların giderilmesine hükmederek bir sonraki duruşmayı 9 Kasım 2021 tarihine ertelendi. Gazetecilikte Kadın Koalisyonu (CFWIJ), gazetecilere yönelik türlü bahanelerle ertelenen davayı kınıyor. Şahin ve Gayıp gazetecidir. Yargılanamaz. Derhal beraatlerini talep ediyoruz.

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Turkey: Trial Of Journalists Semiha Şahin And Pınar Gayıp Adjourned For The 14th Time – Journalists Must Be Acquitted Immediately

The trial in which Etkin News Agency (ETHA) editor Semiha Şahin and reporter Pınar Gayip have tried charges of "being affiliated with a terrorist organisation" and "spreading propaganda" was postponed for the 14th time. The court adjourned the next hearing to November 9, 2021, ruling that the missing elements should be eliminated. The Coalition for Women in Journalism (CFWIJ) condemns the case against journalists, which was postponed on various excuses. Pınar and Semiha are journalists and journalism cannot be prosecuted. We demand their immediate acquittal.

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