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Guatemala: CFWIJ Welcomes The Acquittal Of Anastasia Mejía Tiriquiz, Justice Arrived After A Year Of A House Arrest

The court dismissed the charges of sedition against the indigenous journalist Anastasia Mejía Tiriquiz, arrested in September 2020 and accused of participating in demonstrations in the city of Joyabaj, Guatemala. The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ) welcomes Anastasia’s acquittal, after a year of imprisonment, justice finally arrived at the journalist. We call on Guatemalan authorities to end intimidating journalists and respect press freedom.

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Guatemala: CFWIJ Congratulates Anastasia Mejia For Winning The 2021 International Press Freedom Award

Anastasia Mejia, a radio journalist from Joybaj, Guatemala, won the 2021 Press Freedom Award. The journalist was recognized for her relentless service in the field of journalism. Anastasia co-founded Xolabaj Radio, dedicated to news for the local community. In 2017, she also started Xolabaj TV, which broadcasts live and recorded content on the outlet's Facebook and YouTube accounts. Anastasia's channel aims to give a platform to women, especially Indigenous women, to share their life experiences and issues that impact their community. CFWIJ congratulates Anastasia for her well-deserving win.

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