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Türkiye: Duygu Güvenç “Rahip Brunson Davası'ndan Beraat Etti

Cumhuriyet Gazetesi eski diplomasi muhabiri Duygu Güvenç hakkında açılan davanın karar duruşması bugün görüldü. Bugünkü duruşmada mahkeme, Duygu ve meslektaşı Alican Uludağ'ın suçlamalardan beraatine oybirliğiyle karar verdi. Bu kararı memnuniyetle karşılıyoruz, ancak böyle bir davanın hiç açılmamış olması gerektiğini de tekrar hatırlatıyoruz.

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Turkey: We Welcome Acquittal Of Duygu Güvenç And Demand Justice For All Women Journalists

Verdict hearing of the case initiated against Cumhuriyet Newspaper’s former diplomacy news reporter Duygu Güvenç was held today. Duygu had given her final defense statements during the hearing held in July and The Coalition For Women In Journalism has been nervously waiting for the final decision on her case. During today’s hearing the court decided with unanimity to acquit Duygu and her colleague Alican Uludağ from charges. We welcome this decision but repeat that a case should never have been initiated in the first place.

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Türkiye: Ankara Gar Katliamı İle İlgili Haberlerden Dolayı Olcay Büyüktaş Akça Ve Alican Ulusoy Hakkında Açılan Davanın İlk Duruşması Bugün Görüldü

The first hearing of the case initiated against former Cumhuriyet reporter Alican Uludağ and responsible editor in chief of the newspaper was held today. Alican Uludağ, the reporter who wrote the article, and Olcay Büyüktaş, the newspaper's managing editor responsible for legal affairs, have been charged with "disclosing the identity of an informant" according to Article 6/3 of the Anti-Terror Law and are facing up to three years in prison.

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Turkey: First Hearing Of The Case Against Olcay Büyüktaş Akça, Responsible Editor-In-Chief Of Cumhuriyet Newspaper Was Held Today

The first hearing of the case initiated against former Cumhuriyet reporter Alican Uludağ and responsible editor in chief of the newspaper was held today. Alican Uludağ, the reporter who wrote the article, and Olcay Büyüktaş, the newspaper's managing editor responsible for legal affairs, have been charged with "disclosing the identity of an informant" according to Article 6/3 of the Anti-Terror Law and are facing up to three years in prison.

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Türki̇ye: Duygu Güvenç Ve Alican Uludağ’ın Yargılandığı “Brunson” Davası Ekim’e Ertelendi

Cumhuriyet gazetesi yargı muhabiri Alican Uludağ ile eski diplomasi muhabiri Duygu Güvenç’in Rahip Brunson ile ilgili haberleri gerekçe gösterilerek “Türkiye Cumhuriyetini ve Büyük Millet Meclisini alenen aşağılama” suçlamasıyla açılan davanın duruşmasına bugün İstanbul 2. Asliye Ceza Mahkemesi’nde devam edildi.

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