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Türkiye: Gazeteci Berna Kışın Hükümet Yanlısı Medya Kuruluşu Tarafından Hedef Gösterildi

Journalist Berna Kişin was deliberately targeted by the pro-government Memleket Newspaper, following her coverage of the assassination of seven people in the same family in Konya. The news outlet alleged that the journalist wrote a pro-terrorist story. The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ) condemns the news outlet targeting the journalist. As the coalition, we stand in solidarity with Berna. No journalist should be targeted as a result of the coverage they do.

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Turkey: Journalist Berna Kışın Deliberately Targeted By A Pro-government Media Outlet, CFWIJ Condemns This Vicious Attack

Journalist Berna Kişin was deliberately targeted by the pro-government Memleket Newspaper, following her coverage of the assassination of seven people in the same family in Konya. The news outlet alleged that the journalist wrote a pro-terrorist story. The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ) condemns the news outlet targeting the journalist. As the coalition, we stand in solidarity with Berna. No journalist should be targeted as a result of the coverage they do.

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Türkiye: CFWIJ Haber Takibi Yapan Beş Kadın Gazeteciye Karşı Uygulanan Polis Şiddetini Kınıyor

HDP Kadın Meclisleri'nin Çağlayan Adliyesi önünde yapacağı basın açıklamasını takip eden beş kadın gazeteciye polis müdahale etti. Haber yerinden uzaklaştırılan gazetecilere polis, “PKK'lı yandaş, araba ezmiyor ki şunları!” ifadelerini kullandı. Gazetecilikte Kadın Koalisyonu (CFWIJ) olarak haber takibi yapan gazetecileri hedef alan polisi ve uygulanan polis şiddetini kınıyoruz. Gazetecilik faaliyetlerini yerine getiren gazetecilere yöneltilen ithamları kabul etmiyoruz. Gazetecilik suç değildir.

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Turkey: CFWIJ Condemns The Police Violence Against Five Reporters Who Were Covering Press Briefing Of Arrested Women

Police interfered with five female reporters covering the press briefing of HDP Women's Assemblies at İstanbul’s Çağlayan Courthouse. Police told reporters who were removed from the field, "Terrorist supporters, I wish the car crashed on them!”. The Coalition For Women In Journalism condemns the police targeting the journalists and the police violence against them. We do not accept the accusations against journalists carrying out their journalistic coverage. Journalism is not a crime.

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