Pakistan: CFWIJ Condemns The Political Victimization Of Asma Shirazi

Location: Pakistan, Gujranwala
Date: June 3, 2021

A petition for treason charges was registered against journalists Asma Shirazi and Hamid Mir, reportedly by supporters of the current government, and it appears likely that it will be heard in the court. The journalists were targeted following Hamid Mir’s criticism of the military.

The journalist community in Pakistan currently faces frivolous legal cases, threats to life, and physical violence following their criticism of the actions of the military and its interference in civilian matters. Popular news show host Hamid Mir was taken off air after his remarks criticizing the military became public. It is reported that the channel was pressured into suspending Mir by state authorities. Fellow journalist, Asma Shirazi, registered her protest on this instance of violation of free speech and extended support to Mir. Following which supporters of the current government filed a petition in a court in the city of Gujranwala, accusing both Mir and Shirazi of treason. It is now feared that the petition might end up going through a hearing.

Hamid Mir took to his twitter account to tweet about the incident.

Asma Shirazi retweeted Mir’s tweet and reasserted her commitment to journalistic principles, recalling the state pressures and attacks she tolerated over the course of her career as evidence that she could not be intimidated into silence.

CFWIJ reached out to Asma Shirazi and asked her why she thinks she is being targeted so blatantly. “It’s because of my politics and my commitment to democratic principles,” Shirazi said. “Anyone who is committed to ideas of democracy opposes dictatorships, martial laws, and military interference in politics, has been targeted. I am not the target. My ideology is.”

“This is the worst era for journalists,” she went on to add. “What we are witnessing now is unprecedented. Journalists are being threatened and pressurized in multiple ways.”

“The current regime is a hybrid one targeting our freedom of speech,” she said about the current government. “What is this if not fascism?”

The Coalition For Women In Journalism condemns this political victimization of journalists in the strongest terms. The Pakistani military has a history of interfering in civilian politics and threatening journalists who criticize their undemocratic actions. Their actions this time around are as reprehensible as ever. It is also incredibly shameful that a civilian government in power is allowing the military such unchecked power over its citizens and its civil society. Institutions exist to serve the people, no institution can be allowed the power to threaten civil liberties. The state harassment needs to end.


The CFWIJ strongly condemns the police brutality against journalists. We demand the immediate return of the press cards seized from the security forces. Policies to intimidate journalists should be abandoned, and journalism should be practiced under the criteria of freedom of the press.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way, and please report the incident by using the following form.


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