Mexico: CFWIJ Demands An Immediate Investigation Into The Death Threats Journalist Ginger Gloom Faces

Location: Mexico
Date: May 31, 2021

Ginger Gloom, a reporter for Codigos also a lawyer, received death threats over her coverage about the candidate for federal deputation in Guanajuato, Ricardo Gómez Escalante and his campaign team. The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ) is extremely concerned about Ginger’s safety. These devastating threats often lead to physical violence or beyond. We urge Mexican authorities to take immediate action to ensure the journalist’s and her family’s safety.

Ahead of the upcoming election in Mexico, journalists are under threat over their coverage of political leaders' corruption stories. Ginger is the latest target of the candidate for federal deputation in Guanajuato, Ricardo Gómez Escalante and his campaign team. She revealed about the alleged corruption and sexual harassment including a reporter of the political figüre.

The journalist took her Twitter account to state her situation. She said that the news outlet and herself received death threats directly from Gomez's team and added in case of an attack, the candidate's team is responsible for anything that happens to her or her family.

Ginger also highlighted that she filed a complaint to the National Commission for Human Rights about the threats she faces and has updated her case since December. "The complaint was filed and has been constantly updated since December. Things have been deteriorating until this point," she quoted.

Mexico is among the most dangerous countries for journalists. The vicious attack is not the first case the CFWIJ documented this month. On May 19, Marina Rodríguez, a correspondent for De Política y Algo Más, received death threats over social media for her journalistic activities. Marina wrote a detailed post on her Facebook page addressing the grave threats. In fear for her life, the journalist demanded full-time protection from the authorities.

Dianeth Perez Arreola was another example of these intimidation practices. Investigative journalist and founder of a news website, “Yo Rechazo la Corrupción y la Impunidad”, was intimidated by state authorities for reporting on the alleged corruption of a political figure, Natalia Rivera. Dianeth was communicated to take down important revelations from her website or she could be arrested. The journalist received three letters dated March 23 and April 19 from the Special prosecutor's offices in Baja California state and Sonora state.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism denounces this blatant use of power by state authorities against Dianeth Perez Arreola. No journalist should be threatened just for carrying out her job. We urge Mexican authorities to take immediate action through these devastating death threats and ensure Ginger’s and her family’s safety.


The CFWIJ strongly condemns the police brutality against journalists. We demand the immediate return of the press cards seized from the security forces. Policies to intimidate journalists should be abandoned, and journalism should be practiced under the criteria of freedom of the press.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way, and please report the incident by using the following form.


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