Egypt: Authorities Release 3 Women Journalists After Years Behind Bars
Safaa El-Korbaji, Hala Fahmy, and Manal Agrama first detained in 2022
Location: Egypt, Cairo
Date: February 7, 2024

Women Press Freedom welcomes the release of three women journalists by Egyptian authorities. While this news is celebrated as a step in the right direction, we remind authorities that other journalists still remain behind bars, including Alia Awad, who is serving a 15-year sentence for reporting. We urge authorities to release all media workers from its prisons, to end its mistreatment of critical press, and allow journalists to report without harassment.
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On February 7, 2024, Egyptian authorities released 32 pre-trial detainees, including three women journalists — Safaa El-Korbaji, Hala Fahmy, and Manal Agrama — who had been imprisoned for two years.
In 2022, Hala Fahmy and Safaa Al-Korbaji were detained by state authorities after posting online videos critical of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's government and participating in media workers' strikes. They were charged with joining a group allegedly founded unlawfully and spreading false news.
Manal Agrama, a retired journalist, was forcibly disappeared by unidentified men believed to be state security police ahead of the COP 27 climate summit in November 2022. She has been languishing behind bars in pre-trial detention since, pending an investigation. Agrama’s arrest was purportedly due to her political views, and she faced severe accusations, including joining and financing a terrorist group, inciting a terrorist act, participating in a criminal agreement aimed at committing a terrorist act, and using social media to promote terrorism.
Demands for her release were amplified by the passing of her father in February, leaving behind an elderly mother in need of care. The former journalist for the state broadcaster was suffering from health issues, notably in her spine, exacerbated by neglect during her detention.
While the release of Safaa El-Korbaji, Hala Fahmy, and Manal Agrama is a positive development, it must not overshadow the concerning reality faced by other media professionals in Egypt. Despite the freedom granted to these three journalists, 18 others remain detained in connection with their work, including photojournalist Alia Nasreddin Awad, who was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Incarcerated since 2017, she was convicted on terrorism and vandalism charges for filming protesters in 2015. Only six of the detained media workers in Egypt have been tried and convicted, leaving the majority held without trial.
Women Press Freedom celebrates the release of Safaa El-Korbaji, Hala Fahmy, and Manal Agrama as a step towards press freedom in Egypt. However, the detention of numerous other media professionals continues to raise serious concerns. We continue to call on authorities to release all journalists unjustly detained.
WPF stands resolutely against the unlawful treatment of journalists Rasha Azab, Iman Aouf, and Hadeer al-Mahdawy by Egyptian authorities.
WPF is deeply concerned by the detention of revered investigative journalist Rana Mamdouh while en route to a journalistic assignment in Ras al-Hikma.
WPF stands in staunch opposition to the unwarranted charges against Lina Attalah, the editor-in-chief of the esteemed independent news outlet Mada Masr, and the broader efforts to censor and suppress the press in Egypt.
In a concerning move, authorities block the news website Mada Masr for its reporting on Israel-Gaza.
Following Ariane Lavrilleux’s groundbreaking investigation into the French government's involvement in "arbitrary executions" in Egypt, intelligence officers arrest the investigative journalist and search her home.
Three women journalists from Mada Masr, Egypt's most prominent independent news outlet, are on trial on charges of offending members of parliament.
Egypt’s leading Nation’s Future Party members launched a purge against three women journalists Rana Mamdouh, Beesan Kassab and Sara Seif Eddin working at Mada Masr.
Photojournalist Alia Nasreddin Awad was sentenced to 15 years in prison after a mass trial in Cairo for filming protesters in 2015.
Journalists Hala Fahmy and Safaa Al-Korbaji were detained by the state security prosecutor after they posted online videos criticizing President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s government in April.
Sanaa Seif, activist, writer and film editor was released from jail after serving 18 months convicted.
In a surprising decision by the judicial system, Esraa Abdelfattah was released on Saturday July 17 after being held in state captivity for almost two years. Abdelfattah was arrested for being associated with Tahrir News, a publication that was banned by President Sisi. Abdelfattah became an international symbol of resistance, with several international human rights watchdogs campaigning for her release, prior to the Egyptian state relenting.
Journalist and human rights activist Solafa Magdy and her husband, photojournalist Hossam al-Sayyad, were finally released earlier today after spending almost seventeen months in extrajudicial state custody. During her time in prison, Solafa was reportedly subjected to torture and denied medical aid.
Activist, writer, and film editor Sanaa Seif was sentenced for 18 months in jail on March 17. Sana was convicted on bogus charges of spreading false news, misusing social media, and insulting a police officer. Seif was in police custody since June 23, 2020, and is not convicted under bogus charges. She was not brought into court at the time of his conviction. Sanaa was critical of the unhygienic conditions of Egypt’s overcrowded prisons during the onset of coronavirus. She was campaigning for the release of detainees arbitrarily held in prisons including her brother.
Solafa Magdy, a freelance journalist, has endured physical and sexual assault while in police custody. Solafa was first arrested on November 26, 2019, along with her husband. She is now being held and tortured at Al-Qanatar women’s prison. In one incident, she was reportedly dragged across the floor and stripped of all her clothes. Solafa suffered heavy bleeding after one of these brutal attacks. CFWIJ demands the law enforcement authorities in Egypt investigate this inhumane treatment. We urge the human rights bodies in Egypt to rally for Solafa’s acquittal.
٢٦ نوفمبر،٢٠٢٠، القاهرة مصر—أتمت الصحفية سلافة مجدي وزوجها المصور الصحفي حسام الصياد عام من الحبس الاحتياطي بينما ابنهم خالد يكبر دون والديه. يطالب تحالف النساء العاملات بالصحافة السلطات المصرية بأظهار سمة من الإنسانية بإخلاء سبيل الصحفية وزوجها ليجتمعوا بطفلهما ذو الستة أعوام.
Journalist Solafa Magdy and her husband, photojournalist Hussam El Sayed, have spent a year in prison while their son grows up without his parents. The Coalition For Women In Journalism calls upon the Egyptian authorities to show mercy and release the journalists to reunite with their six-year-old son.
القاهرة، مصر، ١٠ نوفمبر،٢٠٢٠—تم تأجيل جلسة محاكمة الصحفية وصانعة الأفلام سناء سيف ل١٥ ديسمبر للسماح لمحاميها بتصوير أوراق القضية واستدعاء شهود النفي. يناشد تحالف النساء العاملات بالصحافة السلطات المصرية بأنهاء هذه المحاكمة الهزلية وإطلاق سراح الصحفية فورا.
Journalist and filmmaker Sanaa Seif’s trial has been adjourned until December 15 to allow her lawyers to copy the case file and summon exclusion witnesses. The Coalition For Women In Journalism urges the Egyptian authorities to end this unfounded trial and release the journalist immediately.
القاهرة،مصر، 30 أكتوبر—قامت الصحفية أميرة فتحي بإقامة دعوى قضائية ضد النائب محمد الرشيدي نائب رئيس مجلس الشيوخ لتهديدها وتحرشه بها بسبب تعليقها علي مخالفته لقوانين البناء في مصر. يدعم تحالف النساء العاملات بالصحافة الصحفية في مواجهة هذه الممارسات وندين أستهداف الصحفيات بسبب تغطيتهم بمثل هذه الممارسات الذكورية.
Journalist Amira Fathy of Al-Wafd newspaper filed a lawsuit against representative and vice president of the senate-house, Mohamed Elrashidy for intimidating and harassing her after commenting on his violation of construction laws. The Coalition For Women In Journalism supports the journalist against such acts and condemns targeting women journalists for their coverage with these patriarchal practices.
القاهرة ،مصر، 20 أكتوبر 2020—عثر على الصحفية دعاء خليفة محتجزة تعسفيا في مصر على ذمة التحقيق في القضية رقم 880\2020 بعد اختفائها لما يزيد عن ثلاثة أسابيع. وقد تم خطف الصحفية بعد نشرها مقطع فيديو تناشد المنظمات الدولية دعمها في مواجهة العقيد أحمد شعبان الذي يستهدفها ويهددها. يعرب تحالف النساء العاملات بالصحافة عن بالغ أنزعاجه من هذا التعدي المستمر على القانون في مصر و التصاعد المستمر لمستوى القمع في مصر.
Journalist Doaa Khalifa found arbitrarily detained in Egypt pending case no.880\2020 after being missing for three weeks. The journalist was abducted following publishing a video calling upon international organizations to help her against Colonel Ahmed Shaaban, Former colonel in military intelligence who intimidated and threatened her. CFWIJ is appalled by these outlawed practices and the escalating level of oppression in Egypt.
استمرار حبس أسراء عبدالفتاح لما يزيد عن عام احتياطيا علي ذمة التحقيق في القضية رقم 488 لسنة 2019. العدالة مغيبة في مصر بواسطة الاحتجاز الاحتياطي التعسفي. يحي تحالف النساء العاملات بالصحافة جلد الصحفية اسراء ومسيرتها الحافلة بالدفاع عن حرية الرأي والتعبير ونطالب السلطات المصرية بالأطلاق الفوري لسراحها وانهاءه انتظارها المؤسف للعدالة.
Journalist Esraa Abdel-Fattah as of today has spent one year in pre-trial detention pending case no. 488\2019. Justice is absent from Egypt by the use of arbitrary pretrial detention. The Coalition For Women In Journalism salutes Esraa’s persistence and the path in which she always defended freedom of expression and we call upon the Egyptian authorities to end her deplorable bidding for justice.
القاهرة،مصر، 6 أكتوبر، 2020-- إخلاء سبيل الصحفية بسمة مصطفي بكفالة مالية 2000 جنيه مصري ما يعادل 100 دولار أمريكي. يرحب تحالف النساء العاملات بالصحافة بقرار إخلاء السبيل ويهيب بالسلطات المصرية أن تتخذ خطوات أخري لتحرير الصحافة في مصر غير أطلاق سراح الصحفيين وإزالة القيود علي حرية الصحافة في مصر.
Journalist Basma Mostafa released on a 2000 L.E bail approximately 100 $. The Coalition For Women In Journalism welcomes the release and urges the Egyptian authorities to take further steps to liberate free press by releasing journalists and revoking barriers to free press.
القاهرة،مصر، 4 أكتوبر، 2020—تم خطف الصحفية بسمة مصطفي ثم اعتقالها لتغطية قصة مقتل المواطن عويس الراوي بالأقصر علي يد ضابط بالأمن الوطني. وقد قضت محكمة أمن الدولة العليا بوضع بسمة 15 يوم حبس احتياطي على ذمة التحقيق لأنشطتها الصحفية. يعرب تحالف النساء العاملات بالصحافة عن بالغ الانزعاج من ممارسات السلطات المصرية ضد الصحفيين وحرية الصحافة ونطالب بالإطلاق الفوري لسراح بسمة.
Journalist Basma Mostafa was abducted and later detained for covering the murder of a citizen in the Luxor Governorate at the hands of a national security officer. The Supreme National Security court decided to put Basama in 15 days pre-trial detention over her journalistic activities. The Coalition For Women In Journalism is enraged by such actions of the Egyptian authorities against journalists and press freedom and we call for the immediate release of Basma.
After a week of enforced disappearance, journalist Naglaa Mohamed of Daarb news website appeared in the supreme national security Prosecution office. The Coalition For Women In Journalism is appalled by the constant aggression towards women journalists and press freedom in Egypt.
القاهرة،مصر، 11 سبتمبر،2020—أصدر صحفيات مصر بيان يدينون سياسة نقابة الصحفيين تجاه مطالبهم. تحالف النساء العاملات بالصحافة يدعم مطالب الصحفيات.

Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism
The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.
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