Brazil: Amanda Miranda Faces SLAPP by Government Official for Uncovering Corruption

Lawsuits follows Miranda’s investigation into controversial dealings between Zanatta and a local newspaper to secure positive coverage

Location: Brazil, Tijucas
Date: July 4, 2024

Women Press Freedom stands in unwavering solidarity with journalist Amanda Miranda, who is currently facing a defamation lawsuit filed by Federal Representative Julia Zanatta. This legal action comes after Miranda’s investigative report revealed questionable financial transactions between Zanatta and a local newspaper aimed at securing positive coverage. This lawsuit against Miranda is not an isolated incident. Zanatta frequently misuses the judicial system to silence critical journalists, constituting judicial harassment rather than legitimate legal action. Women Press Freedom demands the immediate dismissal of all legal actions against Amanda Miranda and any other journalists facing retaliatory lawsuits. The freedom to investigate and report on matters of public interest is essential to a functioning democracy. We urge the judiciary to recognize the misuse of the legal system in this case and to protect the rights of journalists from unjust persecution.

"She decided to sue me, as she does with all her critics.The strategy aims to silence me and discourage other journalists from publishing news that exposes her," journalist Amanda Miranda tells Women Press Freedom about being targeted with SLAPPs by Government Official Julia Zanatta.

On July 4, 2024, Zanatta filed civil and criminal lawsuits against Miranda following the journalist's exposé on unethical transactions between Zanatta and a local newspaper in exchange for favorable publicity. 

Miranda, the editor of the Passando a Limpo Newsletter and a contributor to the ICL Notícias portal, uncovered the questionable dealings in the Chamber of Deputies' Transparency Portal. According to the records, Zanatta had paid R$5,000 ($916 USD) to a newspaper known for its biased coverage in favor of the pro-Bolsonaro politician. The invoice the journalist found, dated November 8, 2023, pertained to the "development and dissemination of content to promote parliamentary initiatives," blurring the distinction between journalism and promotional activities.

“What I discovered and proved was the use of public money to pay a newspaper that was promoting her mandate," Miranda adds.

In response to Miranda's revelations, Zanatta has filed civil and criminal lawsuits against her, demanding R$10,000 ($1832 USD) in damages, the deletion of a tweet, a right to reply, and reimbursement of legal fees. Zanatta also falsely claims that Miranda's findings wrongly implicated her in criminal activities and linked her to Nazism.

Up to this point, the courts have dismissed Zanatta's assertions. 

"I have a very strong confidence in justice. I will continue with my independent work because I know that the main goal of these actions is to prevent me from exposing the far-right and its corrosive practices to democracy," Miranda tells Women Press Freedom.

Federal Representative Julia Zanatta has established a troubling pattern of using the legal system to intimidate and silence journalists who expose her actions or criticize her, including against Leonel Camasão, a journalist who highlighted that the newspaper owner receiving support from Zanatta had previously been convicted of drug trafficking. This tactic is commonly referred to as Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs), where the legal process is exploited to burden the defendant with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.

Women Press Freedom unequivocally condemns Julia Zanatta's misuse of the legal system to intimidate and censor journalists. Such tactics are a direct attack on press freedom and democracy. We urge the court to recognize this lawsuit as an attempt to stifle press freedom and dismiss all charges against Amanda Miranda. We further call for the establishment of stronger protections for journalists facing legal harassment to ensure they can report freely without fear of retaliation. 


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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