Albania: Investigative Journalist Antela Lika, Cameraman Threatened On Ground, Gear Broken

Location: Albania, Tirana
Date: March 24, 2022

Investigative journalist Antela Lika and her cameraman were threatened and attacked by employees of a farm owner while reporting on mishandling of bird flu affecting poultry. The journalists were in the field recording a segment for the leading news broadcaster Top Channel’s investigative show Fiks Fare when perpetrators threatened their lives and broke their equipment. The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ) condemns the attack and calls on the authorities to take action against those responsible. 

Around 300,000 birds have reportedly died in Albania and another 120,000 are to be exterminated after an outbreak of bird flu hit the coastal cities of Durrës and Shijak. Antela and her team were investigating allegations of improperly disposed of chicken carcasses near residential areas by Ovvital in the village of Sukth in Durrës. Ovvital is owned by Xhevdet Troplini, who is suspected of being involved in organized crime by the Albanian Police, according to local media.  

The journalists were recording their news segment when persons claiming to be representatives of the Ovvital company attacked them, broke their gear and threatened them with further violence.

“You are a woman, otherwise you would be beaten dead,” one unidentified attacker told Antela. He added that he knew how to “cut women into pieces” and that the journalists would “end up with the dead chickens”. 

Terrified by the attack, Antela alerted the police but it took law enforcement officials roughly 40 minutes to arrive at the site. Once the police reached, they failed to intervene and take action against the perpetrators. 

“Being a woman journalist in Albania is very difficult. Here, you show the police the person threatening you but the officer turns his back on the perpetrator,” said Antela, speaking to the CFWIJ after the attack. “I am most disappointed with Albanian organizations [who claim to stand] for the protection of journalists, with the Union of Journalists, from whom there has been no reaction.”

The most support the police offered to the harrowed journalists was escort from the crime scene to Top Channel’s offices. “I am happy that there are global networks who document the dangers we face everyday,” said Antela, referring to the CFWIJ and other international press freedom groups, which condemned the attack.  

When asked if she often faces such threats while on the job, the senior journalist said she has experienced an “uncountable number of threats and attacks”. 

The CFWIJ is extremely concerned for the safety of women journalists in Albania and the police’s apparent indifference. We strongly condemn the attack on Antela Lika and Top Channel’s investigative crew. The authorities must ensure a safer working environment for women journalists and the press community at large. Delayed or lackluster response by the police to threats against journalists is an appalling failure of the law enforcement system. To know more about threats to press freedom and violations against women journalists in Albania, you can follow our coverage here.


The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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