Trump’s Presidency: A Time of Division and Delusion
United States Special Report United States Special Report

Trump’s Presidency: A Time of Division and Delusion

The outgoing president of the United States, Donald Trump, has been featured front and center in the media since his inauguration. In his candour, the president has often reignited the stereotypes and biases that the present world is working to extinguish. Not always for his rhetoric or questionable ambitions for America and its people, but for the division he provokes.

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Deportation of Dutch Journalist Ans Boersma and The Ongoing Lawsuits Against Her
Turkey, Netherlands Special Report Turkey, Netherlands Special Report

Deportation of Dutch Journalist Ans Boersma and The Ongoing Lawsuits Against Her

January 16, 2018, Turkish police detained journalist Ans Boersma and authorities deported her hurriedly next morning without even being allowed to pack her belongings. The journalist was the economy editor at Het Financieele Dagblad. She was arrested and detained in Turkey after she applied for the renewal of her residence visa. The next day, the news circulated throughout the Netherlands reporting that a Dutch journalist was being deported from Turkey.

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