Women In Journalism Turkey Meetup
Lady journalists in #Istanbul and #Ankara, we have arranged a networking night next week. Join us at the @terrace41 & @mulkiyelilerbirligi. 🎉💥🍺

Women In Journalism Networking Night
#Turkey: Pandemi etkilerinin azaldığı bugünlerde gazeteci kadınlar olarak yeniden biraraya geliyoruz! İstanbul’da @terrace41’de ve Ankara’da @mulkiyelilerbirligi’nde düzenleyeceğimiz buluşma etkinliklerimize tüm gazeteci kadınları bekliyoruz. Katılım için lütfen press@womeninjournalism.org adresine kaç kişi geleceğinizi, isim soyisim ve çalıştığınız medya kuruluşunun adını yazarak mail atın. Görüşmek üzere 👋🎉🎊🍺 Lady journalists in #Istanbul and #Ankara, we have arranged a networking night next week. Join us at the @terrace41 & @mulkiyelilerbirligi. 🎉💥🍺

Yoğun Stres Altında Gazetecilik: Günlük Meditasyon Pratikleri
Haziran ayı dünyada Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu Farkındalık Ayı olarak kabul ediliyor. Biz de Gazetecilikte Kadın Koalisyonu olarak kadın gazetecilerin mesleklerini icra ederken karşılaştıkları zorluklar ve bunların getirdiği travma ve stres bozukluğu noktasında tek seferlik bir etkinlik düzenlemeye karar verdik

Türkiye Ve Dünyada LGBTI+ Gazeteci Olmak
Türkiye'de ve dünyada LGBTI+ gazeteci olmanın getirdikleri, karşılaşılan zorluklar ve medyadaki karşıt söylemler üzerine #CFWIJ koordinatörü Damla Tarhan, Türkiye'nin ilk trans gazetecisi Michelle Demishevich ile konuşacak. Perşembe akşam 6'da Twitter Spaces'de buluşalım!

The Most Urgent Issues For Arab Women
#Arab #womenjournos are breaking #censorship barriers and beating state oppression, from Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt to Saudi Arabia. Join our founding director @KiranNazish in this conversation with the indefatigable @luna.k.safwan @reem.abdellatif @maysaamoudi about the most urgent issues these #journalists are fearlessly exposing in their regions

Exiled Women Journalists: A Journey Of Struggle And Victories
Exiled journalists often face indiscriminate challenges in host countries. The #CFWIJ and @canadacjfe bring some of these brave #journalists on our panel this month to discuss their journeys. Join us in this conversation with @monaeltahawy @sabaeitizaz @yildizzarzu @kirannazish @starshepenterprise

Yerel Medyada Kadın Gazeteci Olmak
MEDAR Araştırma Direktörü Yunus Erduran, MEDAR Saha Araştırmacısı Dilek Erduran, CFWIJ Orta Doğu Koordinatörü Damla Tarhan, canlı yayında Sibel Hürtaş'ın sorularını yanıtlıyor.

Yerel Medyada Kadın Gazeteci Olmak
Nevşin Mengü’nün moderatörlüğünde gerçekleşen yayında partnerlerimizden MEDAR’da araştırmacı olarak görev alan Dilek İçten ve Yunus Erduran ile birlikte CFWIJ bölgesel koordinatörü Damla Tarhan, yerel medyada çalışan kadın gazetecilerin karşılaştığı sorunlar ve bu sorunların olası çözümleri üzerine konuşacak.
CFWIJ, yerel medyada çalışan kadın gazetecilere yönelik hazırladığı raporu yayınlamasının ardından MEDAR ile partner oldu. Raporun görünürülüğünün artması amacıyla birçok etkinlik düzenledi. Türkiye’de çalışan kadın gazetecilere yönelik her türlü tehdit, taciz ve şiddet vakasını belgeleyen CFWIJ, bu bağlamda MEDAR ile partner olarak tüm bu çalışmaların daha geniş kitlelere ulaşmasını sağladı.

IG Live with Ayesha Khalid and Amber Rahim Shamsi
On this Press Freedom Day, #CFWIJ's @ayesha_khalidm will speak to award-winning senior journalist @amberrshamsi about challenges that women journalists face every day in Pakistan.
Tune in our #InstaLive this Monday at 9 PM Pakistan time.

Exiled Women Journalists: A Journey of Struggle and Victories
Exiled journalists often face indiscriminate challenges in host countries. The #CFWIJ and @canadacjfe bring some of these brave #journalists on our panel this month to discuss their journeys. Join us in this conversation with @monaeltahawy @sabaeitizaz @yildizzarzu @kirannazish @starshepenterprise

Right To Unionize Under Threat
📢 #Wednesday: Learn more about working environment in the media industry in Turkey, together with CFWIJ and our outstanding guests, The Secretary of DİSK Basın-İş Özge Yurttaş, Emek ve Hayat Producer Dilek Dindar and Mor Gündem Producer Beyhan Demir.

NGO CSW 65 Virtual Forum
The #NGOCSW65VirtualForum aims to enhance grassroots efforts and advocacy needed to empower women. Our founder @kirannazish will join a panel to discuss the position of women in the media. Join us on Saturday, March 20 at 12:30 PM EST! #CSW65

Digiday Media Buying Summit
The Pressures of an Appropriate Ad Spend. As more brands move their agency capabilities in-house, the pressure is on to be more creative, efficient and genuine than ever before. After a year of moving faster than ever before, media buyers are taking a step back and recalibrating. What does that mean for the future of a media spend?

Digital Innovators’ Summit (DIS)
With the Covid pandemic in 2020, many of us had to innovate and pivot on the fly to survive. Digital become more important, and more prevalent in connecting with our consumers than ever before.

IG Live with Katarzyna Mıerzejewska And Masana Ndinga-Kanga
📌 The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is known for its hotspots and conflicts
Countries are ruled by repressive regimes that use censorship and threats to hold on to power While civil resistance movements are relentlessly being stifled, journalists are notoriously accused of blasphemy, offending the religious feelings, inciting chaos or jeopardizing national unity. They are persecuted, detained and even tortured. Women carry a double burden due to their visibly weaker position in a society. Thus, they are exposed to sexual harassment, affected by double standards at work and suffer from vicious misogynic attacks. They experience firsthand being belittled and undermined in a professional environment. CFWIJ’s @katia_mierzejewska will speak to Masana Ndinga-Kanga, Advocacy Lead for MENA & Women Human Rights Defenders of @civicusalliance about gender-based violence in the MENA region and the continuous crackdown on press freedom. Tune in into our #InstaLive on Thursday, March 4 at 2:00 PM CET.

Covering The Cartels: The History And Mission Of Zeta
On Wednesday Reuters Institute will host an online seminar with Adela Navarro Bello, an award-winning Mexican journalist and the General Director of Zeta, a weekly publication that is renowned for its coverage of organised crime in Mexico. She has been named one of Foreign Policy’s top 100 Global Thinkers, and one of the 50 most powerful women in Mexico by Forbes magazine.

IG Live with Katarzyna Mierzejewska And Irene Ubani
📌 The suffocating atmosphere for press freedom in Nigeria and continues to deteriorate as we observe a visible increase in assaults, attacks, arrests and prosecutions of journalists. Given the complete impunity for crimes against journalists, independent media are in real danger. Being a woman adds another layer of vulnerability Women journalists in Nigeria are regularly confronted with sexism and discrimination and often are not taken seriously as reporters. CFWIJ's Katarzyna Mierzejewska will speak to journalist Irene Ubani about the escalating crackdown on press freedom in Nigeria and gender-based violence in the country. Tune in to our Instagram Live this Wednesday, February 10, at 2:00 PM CET.

Media Subscriptions Summit 2021
Amid the global pandemic, demand for news soared. Audiences turned to trusted brands, and many more were willing to pay for online media. In a few months, publishers made a few years' worth progress in their reader revenue business.