Colombia: Women Press Freedom Urges Government to Retract Defamatory Claims Against María Jimena Duzán

President’s defamatory statements lead to barrage of threats 

Location: Colombia, Bogota
Date: June 27, 2024

Women Press Freedom vehemently condemns the threats and defamatory accusations directed at María Jimena Duzán, a respected journalist who has long been a stalwart defender of press freedom and investigative journalism in Colombia. The recent wave of threats against Duzán, following her inquiries into alleged corruption involving high-ranking government officials, represents a grave violation of journalistic independence and freedom of expression. We stand in full solidarity with María Jimena Duzán and call on President Petro and all government officials to retract these harmful statements and ensure the safety and protection of journalists who perform their duties under increasingly perilous conditions. It is imperative that the Colombian government upholds its commitment to press freedom and refrains from using stigmatization and legal harassment to silence journalists.

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Renowned journalist María Jimena Duzán has reported receiving threats following her investigation into alleged corruption involving Laura Sarabia, the director of the Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic (Dapre), and her brother, Andrés Sarabia. Her inquiries aimed to uncover the alleged involvement of Andrés Sarabia in a network of influence peddling and lucrative state contracts.

The threats against Duzán escalated after President Gustavo Petro accused her of being a Mossad agent, a claim that has put her safety at significant risk. 

Duzán detailed the backlash in her column for Cambio, explaining how the president's comments have led to threats and stigmatization. She accused Petro of dismissing her journalistic inquiries as “trash” without proper consideration and empowering Laura Sarabia to file a lawsuit against her.

In her column, Duzán says, “The president (...) empowered Laura Sarabia to announce a lawsuit against me instead of addressing the questions I had raised.” She emphasized that her journalistic practice of posing questions through a right of petition is a standard procedure used when sources wish to remain anonymous due to fear.

Duzán compared Petro’s tactics to those of former President Álvaro Uribe, stating, “Never imagined that the first left-wing president could stoop to the same levels as Uribe.” She criticized Petro’s use of stigmatization and defamation as tools to silence independent journalism.

“Believing they can silence me with threats and defamation is a mistake,” she says, highlighting her independence from major media houses and stressing that she would continue her work free from hatred and stigmatization. “Even if they sue and label me a terrorist, I will not be silenced.”

Women Press Freedom stands in solidarity with journalist María Jimena Duzán and we are deeply concerned about her safety. It is unacceptable that a journalist exercising her right to question and investigate public officials is met with such hostility. The use of threats and legal intimidation against journalists not only undermines the principles of free speech but also endangers the lives of those committed to exposing the truth. We call on President Gustavo Petro and his administration to retract the defamatory statements made against María Jimena Duzán and to ensure her safety. Additionally, we urge the Colombian government to uphold the principles of press freedom and protect journalists from retaliation and violence. The work of independent journalists like Duzán is vital for the transparency and accountability of public institutions. 


Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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