United States: CFWIJ Condemns The Temporary Arrest Of Video Journalists Zoeann Murphy And Whitney Leaming While Covering The Capitol Hill Turmoil In Washington D.C.

Location: United States
Date: January 2, 2021

Washington Post journalists Zoaenn Murphy and Whitney Leaming were arrested by police while reporting on the Capitol Hill insurrection. The city has been placed under curfew for the next 15 days. The orders issued by Mayor Muriel Bowser clearly state that the imposed curfew does not apply to essential workers, including media with outlet-issued credentials. While speaking to the Washington Post, Zoeann Murphy said she was wearing her press credentials when she was arrested. Her colleague Whitney Leaming kept the camera rolling during the incident.

Zoeann Murphy said that they were not given any details before the arrest, describing the situation as they were being taken to an unmarked van. Later on, they were asked to present their press credentials in order to be released. Zoeann reported that she saw massive crowds at Capitol Hill while she was stationed at one of the doors. The Trump supporters were banging at the door while she was filming. She also said that people were arrested after the curfew came into effect, but journalists were allowed to continue working, as per the Mayor's orders.

Zoeann tweeted about her situation, posting a video during her arrest. A spokesman for the Washington Post also issued a statement while speaking to The Wrap, "Our journalists were just doing their jobs and should have never been arrested"

Whitney Leaming posted a tweet saying she heard many colleagues reporting from Capitol Hill saying they're fine, which is a lie. She elaborated in the following tweets that journalists are putting their safety and mental health aside to report the story at hand.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism condemns the arrest of both video journalists and hopes that democratic press freedom will prevail. Journalists should be allowed to do their job without intimidation or interference of any kind.


The CFWIJ strongly condemns the police brutality against journalists. We demand the immediate return of the press cards seized from the security forces. Policies to intimidate journalists should be abandoned, and journalism should be practiced under the criteria of freedom of the press.

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