Turkey: CFWIJ Demands The Immediate Withdrawal Of The Case Against Cumhuriyet Newspaper Correspondents

Location: Turkey, Istanbul
Date: Demecber 16, 2020
Available in: 🇹🇷  Türkçe

The first hearing of the trial against Cumhuriyet newspaper reporter Hazal Ocak, editor Olcay Büyüktaş, editor-in-chief İpek Özbey and photojournalist Vedat Arık, was held today. The journalists are facing a sentence between five to fourteen years in prison for charges related to a news article published in April 2020. The Coalition For Women In Journalism is dismayed by the lawsuit against the journalists, and we demand their immediate acquittal.

The first hearing of the lawsuit filed against Cumhuriyet reporter Hazal Ocak, editor Olcay Büyüktaş, editor-in-chief İpek Özbey and photojournalist Vedat Arık, was held in Istanbul’s 26th High Criminal Court. The journalists are facing charges for a piece the newspaper published on April 14, 2020. The story was about the land beside the home of Presidency Communications Director, Fahrettin Altun, in İstanbul. The indictment was filed after Fahrettin Altun's criminal complaint stated, "it was obligatory to restrict freedom of expression to protect the public and the state". After the story was circulated, Altun filed a complaint with the authorities, which launched the lawsuit.

The prosecution has requested the journalists be sentenced between to five to fourteen years in prison on charges of targeting persons who have taken part in the fight against terrorism, violating the privacy of secret life, violating privacy by recording images, and unlawfully disclosing images of persons' private life.

According to Press In Arrest, all of the journalists attended the hearing. Journalist İpek Özbey began her defense first, denying the accusations against her. She said, “As a journalist, I have to cover an issue if public interest is involved. We penned the news story based on a tip-off. Mr. Altun or someone else. News is news. We did not target anyone.”

Olcay Büyüktaş’ defense followed İpek’s testimony, affirming they did not target anyone in their coverage. Olcay added, “We covered a construction that began on a plot overseeing the Bosphorus. Even before we published the story, the structure was demolished by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. We only published a news story. We did not target anyone, and did not give anyone's address."

Journalist Hazal Ocak, who was previously prosecuted for her work, stated:

“I published many news stories until date, but never encountered such a situation. Our only aim is to inform the society. We are talking about a public tender here. The address is known to the public as well. After gathering information, I received the opinions of all parties. I sent questions to Mr. Altun as well, but he did not respond. I do not know him in person. In any country, an unauthorized procedure is considered newsworthy."

After the journalists concluded their defence, the court decided to allow journalists' lawyers to submit their evidence for the file. The court has adjourned the trial until March 18, 2021.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism condemns the prosecution of journalists for their coverage. We believe that judicial proceedings are being used as a new method to intimidate and silence journalists. We urge the Turkish authorities to end the legal harassment that interferes with press freedom.


The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world, and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

Follow us on Instagram @womeninjournalism and Twitter @CFWIJ. Our website is WomenInJournalism.org and we can be reached at press@womeninjournalism.org


The Coalition For Women In Journalism closely monitors the incidents in Turkey with great concern. Since March 8, Women's Day, police violence against women journalists increasingly continues in the country. As the coalition, we urge the Turkish state to provide a free environment for journalists. Following the news is our most fundamental democratic right to report. We demand the immediate release of our detained colleagues. Journalism is not a crime. Journalism cannot be prevented.

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