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Palestine: CFWIJ Condemns The Physical Assault And Racial Abuse Faced By Journalist Nisreen Salem

Journalist Nisreen Salem was physically assaulted and racially abused by officers of the Israel Defense Force while at a check post. In a video published by a local news platform, Nisreen recounts the violence she faced at the hands of the officials. The overreaches by the Israeli armed forces has received global attention and condemnation recently, and the recent attack appears to be an addition to the patterns of state violence Israel has routinely exhibited towards Palestinian citizens.

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Türkiye: CFWIJ Güvenlik Güçlerinin Ankara’da Asayişi Sağlamak Yerine Gazeteci Büşra Taşkıran Ve Seda Taşkın’ın Haber Hakkını Engellemesini Kınıyor

Ankara’da birçok sığınmacı ve Suriyeli göçmenlere yönelik meydana gelen ırkçı saldırıların haber takibini yapan gazeteciler Büşra Taşkıran ve Seda Taşkın, polis tarafından bir araçla olay yerinden uzaklaştırılarak engellendi. Gazetecilikte Kadın Koalisyonu (CFWIJ) olarak gazetecilere yönelik polis müdahalesini kınıyoruz. Güvenlik yetkililerini gazetecilerin haber hakkını ihlal etmek yerine ülkedeki asayişi korumaya çağırıyoruz. Gazetecilik kamusal bir görevdir. Engellenmesi kabul edilemez.

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Turkey: CFWIJ Condemns Security Forces Violation Of The Journalists Büşra Taşkıran And Seda Taşkın's Right To Report

Journalists Büşra Taşkıran and Seda Taşkın were barred with the police force driving them away from covering the racist events against refugees in Ankara. Journalists were covering the loot against many refugees and Syrians in the city. The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ) condemns the police violence against journalists. We call on the security forces to maintain order across the country, violating the journalists' right to report instead. Journalism is a public duty. These practices are unacceptable.

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United States: Racial And Misogynistic Remarks Towards Journalist Brianna Hamblin Are Harassment Which Need To Be Addressed. CFWIJ Condemns The Incident And Extends Support

Spectrum News 1 reporter Brianna Hamblin, was harassed by multiple men while on assignment, while she was covering a story on access to healthy nutrition in the city. The journalist was targeted with deeply misogynist remarks which exoticized her race and ethnicity. Brianna took to Twitter in the aftermath to register her disgust at her experience highlighting the everyday sexism that women journalists, especially women journalists of colour, have to face while doing their jobs.

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