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Saudia Arabia: CFWIJ Welcomes The Release Of Nouf Abdulaziz

Writer and human rights activist Nouf Abdulaziz was released from Saudi prison on February 10. Nouf was arrested during the authorities’ crackdown against activists and journalists in May 2018. The slew of detentions came before the Kingdom lifted the ban on women driving. Nouf’s release is conditional, which means she may still face jail time if she continues her activism. Nouf was held in Saudi detention for over two and half years for advocating for women's rights and denouncing the male guardianship system.

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Saudi Arabia: CFWIJ Calls On Saudi Judicial Authorities To Release Nouf Abdulaziz

Writer and activist Nouf Abdulaziz was arrested on June 6, 2018, during a raid on her residence in Riyadh. Nouf was always vocal about women’s issues and the human rights violations committed by Saudi authorities. Despite facing pressure from the authorities, Nouf wrote fearlessly on the unlawful arrests prevalent throughout the kingdom. She was arrested during the crackdown against activists and journalists that began in May 2018. Nouf’s health has reportedly deteriorated after the brutal physical torture she suffered in prison.

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