Threats Coalition for Women in Journalism Threats Coalition for Women in Journalism

Venezuela: WPF Denounces Restrictions and Harassment by Local Authorities and Police Targeting Journalists Covering Floods

WPF condemns assaults and restrictions imposed on journalists Ariana Ágreda, Andrea Fabbiani, Víctor Federico González, José Luis Guerra, and camerawoman María Marcano. We demand relevant authorities investigate these attacks, which endanger their safety and hinder vital reporting during a disaster.

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Threats enes keskin Threats enes keskin

China: CFWIJ Condemns The Public Harassment Of Alice Su And Katrina Yu

July 27, 2021- Beijing bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times, Alice Su, colleague Katrina You were harangued, alongside their crew members, by members of the public in China.

On July 25th, The journalists were covering the devastation caused by torrential rains and floods in Zhengzhou, Henan province when they were surrounded by an angry mob who yelled at them to leave China. Both Alice and her fellow crew member found themselves in the middle of chaos with nowhere to escape. A video available on Twitter shows Alice trying to deescalate the situation by translating the crowds' messages. CFWIJ is dismayed by the hostile attitude towards foreign media in the country. This recent incident is a direct violation of the basic principles of press freedom. We urge the Chinese authorities to investigate this pattern of harassments and take necessary action.

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