Pakistan: Gharidah Farooqi Hit With Yet Another Wave Of Online Attacks

Location: Pakistan, Islamabad
Date: August 20, 2022
Gharidah Farooqi

Gharidah Farooqi, anchor with private TV channel News One, has been hit with yet another wave of online attacks, inclduding organized online trolling by social media accounts purportedly linked to ousted prime minister Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party. The Coalition For Women In Journalism expresses grave concern over the vile and vicious hatred spewed against Gharidah online. We stand in solidarity with the journalist and extend her support. It is incumbent upon all political leaders to ensure that press freedom and the right to free speech is respected in the country.

Shortly after commenting on the undue arrest and alleged torture of Khan’s political aide Shahbaz Gill, Gharidah was subjected to a vicious organized online trolling campaign by accounts linked to PTI. The perpetrators aimed to punish Gharidah for voicing her views on Gill’s arrest and resorted to vile and deeply gendered language to insult the journalist and call into question her credibility. As the hate campaign gained traction, “#GforGhashti” [Ghashti is a derogatory term for prostitute] started trending on Pakistani social media. 

Although several questions have been raised on Gill’s arrest on dubious allegations of inciting the public against the country’s armed institutions, the Pakistani government has denied allegations of custodial torture. 

Gharidah, a staunch critic of the PTI and its infringements on press freedom while in power, initially mocked Gill and cast doubt on reports that Khan’s aide had to be shifted to the hospital after being brutally tortured while in custody of the security forces. 

While disagreements with Gharidah’s position on the matter would have given way to mature political conversation, targeting her with vicious hate and threatening her safety is unacceptable! 

This is not the first time Gharidah had been targeted online for her political views in deeply gendered ways aimed at discrediting her voice as a public figure. This is also not the first time that PTI leaders and their supporters have employed such means to target and silence a woman journalist simply because her reportage or her political views were unfavorable to them. The CFWIJ has reported extensively on the increasing weaponization of digital spaces in Pakistan against local women journalists. Find our detailed coverage here


Several local journalists spoke out in support of Gharidah and condemned attacks on journalists for their political views. Among them were noted women journalists and activists Asma Shirazi, Benazir Shah and Nida Kirmani, as well as the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists. 

“Malicious campaign and trend against our colleague Gharidah Farooqi is highly condemned. Women journalists are being abused vigorously. Alas! We can only condemn what else we can do?” wrote noted anchorperson Asma.

“The social media trend against Ghardiah Farooqi is absolutely disgusting. More power to her,” wrote award-winning reporter Benazir. 

Meanwhile, sociologist and activist Nida drew intention to the gendered nature of the rhetoric unleashed against Gharidah. “Shame on those trending that vile hashtag about Gharidah Farooqi. PTI supporters are not doing themselves any favors in the sympathy department by supporting such sexist trends.”

The Coalition For Women In Journalism strongly condemns the online hate campaign against Gharidah Farooqi. We stand in solidarity with the journalist and object to her right to free speech and public participation being compromised in this manner. The CFWIJ underscores that online attacks can swiftly translate into offline physical attacks. Such rhetoric spreading unchecked sets a dangerous precedent for online impunity and exposes women journalists to serious threats. We call on the Pakistani authorities to take immediate action against the perpetrators and ensure Gharidah’s safety. 


The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way, and please report the incident by using the following form.


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