Pakistan: CFWIJ Condemns The Rape And Death Threats Against Zebunnisa Burki

Location: Pakistan
Date: February 15, 2021

Zebunnisa Burki, a deputy editor for The News, endured vicious rape and death threats on Sunday, February 14. A rider associated with a local parcel delivery service abused the journalist, threatening to rape and kill her along with her family. Zebunnisa reached out to the vehicle service via chat to report his behavior. The journalist only received a response after tweeting about the incident. It is reported that the delivery service has fired the employee involved in the alarming misconduct.

Zebunnisa Burki, a deputy editor for The News, ordered something from a local parcel delivery service. After waiting for a considerable amount of time, she did not receive her package. The journalist then called the rider to inquire about the delay. When Zebunnisa informed the rider she wanted to cancel the delivery, he threatened to rape and kill her along with her family. The journalist immediately cut the call and reported the incident to the vehicle service.

After no response on the website’s chat channel, Zebunnisa tweeted about the incident, “Hello @bykeapk one of your riders just threatened to rape and kill me. Wondering if your complaint chatbox actually works. because I haven't received any response yet.” 

The local transport service responded to the tweet and apologized. Zebunnisa shared the update on her Twitter account, stating that the staff at Bykea was extremely helpful in resolving the matter. The delivery service reportedly fired the driver responsible for the reprehensible behaviour.

While speaking to CFWIJ, the journalist confirmed that she had no intention to report this incident to the police. Zebunnisa believes that the perpetrator would take the termination from his job as a lesson for life. She said the most hurtful realization was how the driver’s anger turned to misogynistic threats.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism condemns the hostile abuse against Zebunnisa Burki. We urge the Pakistani authorities to ensure the local delivery services abide by a strict code of conduct, including a proper criminal record screening of all drivers. CFWIJ stands in solidarity with all women journalists subjected to hate and hostility.


The CFWIJ strongly condemns the police brutality against journalists. We demand the immediate return of the press cards seized from the security forces. Policies to intimidate journalists should be abandoned, and journalism should be practiced under the criteria of freedom of the press.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way, and please report the incident by using the following form.


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