Lebanon: Luna Safwan Hit With Defamation SLAPPs By Harasser and His Lawyer

Location: Lebanon, Beirut      
Date: June 28, 2022

Two defamation SLAPP suits were filed against journalist and Coalition For Women In Journalism member Luna Safwan, by her harasser and his lawyer. For speaking up against her experience of facing sexual harassment, Luna is being sued for defamation. She was among seven women who pursued legal action against Jaafar al-Attar, a well-known local activist, journalist and director for his sexual misconduct in May 2021. The SLAPPs against her are deeply worrying. The CFWIJ stands in solidarity with Luna and calls on the Lebanese authorities to ensure that the law is not abused to silence survivors. 

Jaafar al-Attar, the alleged harasser, is suing Luna for calling him a “serial harasser” and “harasser”. On June 8, 2022, Luna took to her Twitter account and shared that she was called by the Lebanese Internal Security ForcesDirectorate (ISF) in Beirut and asked to give her statement on al-Attar’s complaint. When she arrived in Beirut, she was asked to sign a pledge stating that she would not attack al-Attar on a personal level. She was also told to delete posts referring to him as a “serial harasser” and “harasser”.


Luna elaborated about the case on her Instagram account. She said al-Attar filed a complaint against her in April 2022. “This case was filed by him at the end of April 2022, around two weeks after the court date which the alleged harasser’s lawyers delayed for the second time. He aims to silence me.”

On June 27, the alleged harasser’s lawyer also filed a defamation SLAPP against Luna. She announced the development on Twitter. “I’m a journalist, I’m among other women suing a man for sexual harassment in Lebanon. Today I received the news that not only is the harasser suing me for defamation but his lawyer is also suing me for the same reason. This is a BAD year for women,” wrote Luna. 

Speaking to the CFWIJ, Luna said these lawsuits aim to achieve two things - to wear her down emotionally and intimidate her. “If I want to describe this in two words is to pressure me emotionally and also intimidate me. The purpose of these SLAPP cases against me is basically this.” 

In May 2021, more than 20 women spoke up on social media calling out al-Attar, a well-known local activist, journalist, and director in Lebanon, for sexual harassment. After the social media storm, seven women, including Luna, took legal action against al-Attar in May. At the same time, the police opened a criminal investigation against the alleged harasser. The public prosecutor charged al-Attar with sexual harassment and referred the case to the criminal court in Beirut. However, the case is yet pending and has been adjourned twice without significant process.

The case filed by Luna and other survivors of sexual misconduct by al-Attar is also the first case being tried under Lebanon’s recent sexual harassment law, adopted in January 2021. The new law sets a penalty of one to 12 months in prison or a fine that ranges between three and 10 times the official minimum wage of LL675,000 (around 450 USD) for anyone convicted of sexual harassment. Given this, it is a case of crucial importance. It is pertinent that the authorities ensure Luna and her fellow complainants are not intimidated or prevented from holding al-Attar accountable. 

 The Coalition For Women In Journalism condemns the SLAPPs against Luna Safwan. It is apparent that a man accused of multiple instances of sexual harassment is seeking to evade accountability by targeting Luna. We stand in solidarity with Luna and her fellow complainants. It is crucial that the Lebanese state and judicial authorities ensure that survivors of sexual harassment are supported by the law. The SLAPP cases against Luna must immediately be dismissed! 


The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way, and please report the incident by using the following form.


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