Hungary: CFWIJ Demands A Swift Investigation Into The Threats Against Journalist Sarolta Gálfi

Location: Hungary, Szentendre
Date: April 6, 2021

A letter containing a suspicious powder was sent to Sarolta Gálfi, the editor-in-chief of the city newspaper in Szentendre, Hungary. A threatening letter had also been sent to the journalist by an unidentified individual a week before the incident. The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ) is devastated by the death threats the journalist faced. We demand Hungarian authorities to conduct a swift investigation into the vicious attack, identify the perpetrator and ensure Sarolta’s safety.

According to Mapping Media Freedom, on April 6, 2021, a letter containing a suspicious powder was sent to Sarolta Gálfi, editor-in-chief of the city newspaper in Szentendre, Hungary. Newsroom staff immediately alerted the police, who called in a specialist team to remove the dust for analysis. The editor of the local newspaper, Sarolta Gálfi, received a death threat letter from an unidentified individual a week ago.

The journalist has accused the Szentendre-based community newspaper of publishing anti-vaccine statements. It referred to six short columns published in the “Street Man Speaking Box” section of the paper. The individual described some of the views as “… anti-vaccine, panic-inducing statements” and threatened the editor-in-chief to publish them.

The news was first announced by the mayor of Szentendre, Zsolt Philippines, on the local authority's website. The mayor said in a statement that Szentendre's leadership strongly rejects any form of intimidation and violence against the media.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is horrified by these intimidating tactics against journalists. Journalists must freely do their jobs. We demand Hungarian authorities to conduct a swift investigation into this unfortunate incident and identify suspicions. Also, authorities must ensure journalists' safety.


The CFWIJ strongly condemns the police brutality against journalists. We demand the immediate return of the press cards seized from the security forces. Policies to intimidate journalists should be abandoned, and journalism should be practiced under the criteria of freedom of the press.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way, and please report the incident by using the following form.


During Sexual Assault Awareness Month, CFWIJ Shares The Pain Of Women Journalists Who Are Survivors Of Sexual Harassment And Assault.


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