Greece: CFWIJ Calls For Annulment Of A Court Verdict Against Journalist Elena Akrita

Location:  Greece, Athens
Date: April 14, 2022
Elena Akrita

A Greek court fined journalist Elena Akrita 8000€ for defamation because of her criticism of actor Marko Seferlis’s joke in his TV show. The court’s decision was made after Seferlis filed a lawsuit against the journalist and the director of TA NEA newspaper. The Coalition For Women In Journalism is concerned with the verdict and calls for the court to overturn it. We consider this a direct attack to press freedom. 

A Greek court fined journalist Elena Akrita €8000 for criticizing actor Marko Seferlis for trivializing rape on his TV show, following a lawsuit filed by the actor in 2018.

Journalist Elena Akrita published an opinion in 2018 in TA NEA newspaper analyzing why it will not give added value to one of the most well-established theaters in Athens, to host the theatrical show of the actor Marks Seferlis, known for stand up performances. 

In this opinion, Elena wrote that Seferlis was not suitable for Palas theater and wondered why the owners of “Palas” theater chose to host the performance of an actor known of creating content full of xenophobia, homophobia, body shaming, offensive language against minorities and vulnerable people. 

Later in 2018, Seferlis sued not only Akrita but also the owner as well as the director of “TA NEA” newspaper asking each one of them for compensation of 100.000 EUR. He emphasized that this article offended him but also had implications for his child's psychology.

In the cases of Elena Akrita and the director of the newspaper, Seferlis also asked for them to be detained.

On April 1, 2022, Elena Akrita acknowledged through social media that Seferlis won the case. She took Facebook to express her disappointment with the court’s verdict, saying that journalists can no longer freely express their opinions. “On the contrary, they should judge themselves so as not to disturb the supporters of the abusive speech,” she wrote. 

Elena points out that the verdict encourages racist rhetoric towards members of the LGBTQI+ community or individuals “whose height, weight and body do not conform to the ‘normal’ standards”.


Elena stands behind her opinion published in 2018 saying that “I do not change even an “and” from my article. And I will continue my fight to finally condemn hate speech from public discourse”.

CFWIJ is concerned to see such a verdict by the Greek court against free speech. This is a direct attack to press freedom and a way to intimidate journalists who dare to express their opinions. We call on the Appeals Court to overturn such a damaging verdict for journalists and media in Greece.


The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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