France: Far-Right Threatens Life of Salomé Saqué
Women Press Freedom is deeply concerned by escalating far-right harassment against press in France, urges authorities to act
Location: France
Date: July 4, 2024
Women Press Freedom strongly condemns the death threats targeting journalist Salomé Saqué by far-right extremists in France. Saqué has received numerous vile messages, including explicit threats to her life, as part of a broader harassment campaign orchestrated by the far-right, particularly through the online website Réseau Libre. The threats against Saqué, which also include her name on a hit list of 180 journalists and public figures, have largely gone unchecked until recently. Authorities must take immediate and decisive action to protect those targeted and dismantle the networks spreading this dangerous rhetoric. Women Press Freedom calls on the Paris prosecutor's office to expedite their investigations and bring the perpetrators to justice. In a democracy, journalists must be able to work without fear of violence.
On July 4, 2024, Blast journalist Salomé Saqué reported she had received death threats on X (formerly Twitter).
She shared a picture of one of the messages she received: "You know that just because you're a journalist doesn't mean you won't get shot in the head, you communist bitch. You're not spending the weekend."
Saqué, who covered the legislative elections and contributed to the media campaign calling for a front against the far-right party the National Rally, said she had been under "a wave of hatred without precedent" in her career for the three weeks leading up to the elections.
Saqué and many other left-leaning journalists and journalists of color in France have been subjected to a vicious campaign of hate from the far right. Much of the targeting, harassment, and threats have been spearheaded by Réseau Libre, a Russian-based obscure far-right site created in 2015. The French-language far-right platform has gained notoriety for its xenophobic and violent rhetoric. It is reportedly run by Joël Michel Sambuis, a known French far-right activist who lives in Russia.
In October 2023, an article on Réseau Libre threatened to put “a bullet in the neck” of 180 journalists, elected officials, union members, and lawyers. This list remained largely unnoticed until it resurfaced recently, prompting widespread concern.
Saqué, who appeared on the list, expressed her alarm on Instagram: "A country where we [journalists] can no longer work without fear of dying is not a democracy."
On July 12, 2024, 44 of those named filed a complaint with the Paris prosecutor against an unknown person for "death threats" published on Réseau Libre. Among those filing the complaint were journalists Salomé Saqué, Ariane Lavrilleux, Emilie Laystary of Libération, and Nassira El Moaddem.
Earlier this month, Women Press Freedom documented a direct threat against Nassira El Moaddem, a journalist for Arrêt sur Images, by Réseau Libre after she criticized the French legislative elections on X.
Women Press Freedom vehemently condemns the threats targeting Salomé Saqué and her colleagues. The escalating attacks by the far-right against the press in France must stop. We are deeply concerned that this harmful rhetoric could escalate to physical harm, and we urge authorities to do all in their power to protect those threatened and shut down the malicious actors behind Réseau Libre. Espousing violent hate speech and threatening death against those who oppose your views cannot become normalized. We support the journalists’ decision to take legal action and urge the Paris prosecutor to act swiftly to determine who is responsible for these attacks and bring them to justice.
Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism
The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.
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