“Without commitment to mental health and growth, I could not have built this organization.
A healthy and thriving mind and mindset are key to meaningful work.”
-Kiran Nazish, Founding Director at CFWIJ
Journo Stories for Conquering Anxiety >
Watch our Mental Health Awareness Month video series, where we invite journalists to share about how their work has impacted their mental health, and what they do to take care of themselves and each other, amidst the emotional and psychological challenges inherent in journalism.

Stories: Hear from journalists on navigating anxiety and stress
Journalist Alice Taylor shares her experience dealing with anxiety
Alice Taylor, Journalist, Exit News
I am not saying I have the solution, but I have found what works for me, for now. More importantly, I have realized the impact stress has on our body and that even if we tell ourselves we are fine, that does not necessarily mean it is the case.
To be strong women, good journalists, loving mothers, or whatever else we want to be in our lives, we have to learn to take care of ourselves. Acknowledging the burdens we all carry and not harboring shame for them, or comparing them with others, is an essential step for us to take. Once we have done that and learned to say “no”, we can start creating a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Breath makes all the difference

Guideline: Strong Mental Health

Ten Percent Happier > Learn to meditate from the world’s top mindfulness experts.
Journalist Trauma Support Network (JTSN) > This program provides therapists with cultural competence and data security training, peer support, and referral pathways for trauma-impacted journalists.
Rory Peck Trust’s Resilience Programme > It provides specialist trauma-informed training and access to psychological treatment, enabling freelance journalists to develop the skills they need to build resilience when exposed to conflict or covering traumatic events.
National Alliance on Mental Health > A grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline > A free and confidential suicide hotline providing emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. The hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across the United States.
Live Another Day > A recovery resource platform that curates a list of best-rated and accredited treatment providers. treatment providers and care centres throughout America.
A Guide for Addressing the Loneliness Epidemic > A special report and resource guide put together by T.R.U.E Addiction and Behavioral Health , on the public health crisis of loneliness in America, as well as mental health and substance use resources that can help.
Start Your Recovery > A groundbreaking resource developed by experts in substance use disorder treatment. Through this resource, women can find trusted local support and treatment options tailored to them, including personalized support; stories from peers in recovery; and learning about recognizing and managing substance use disorder.

“There are things you can do in order to cope in the best possible way with all challenges that your profession brings. One thing you can do for yourself is creating a routine- care is related to small things that are done every day, continuously and constantly such as keeping a diary, physical activity or whatever that makes you feel good for a very long time. “
— Denisa Ndreka, Psychologist

Tried and Tested Methods to Deal with Anxiety
Five-minute meditation you can do anywhere today
It only takes five minutes to positively reset your day, listen to yourself, be calm, and reduce stress. Even those with a busy schedule can find five minutes to breathe. Take a break to take care of yourself with this video from Goodful, carefully crafted by John Davisi. Find more Goodful videos here >
< Video Language: English
Albanian Psychologist Denisa Ndreka on managing trauma and stress on the job
“Repetition of images from traumatic events, sadness, some kind of crying for no reason or inability to calm down, nightmares related to events that may come from work, might be symptoms or an indication of something bigger that needs to be addressed. These can be signs of disorders such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress or others.”
< Video Language: Albanian
Nefes ve Yaşam koçu Nilgün Kiracılar ile nefes egzersizi
“Ben Nilgün Kiracılar. Profesyonel nefes ve yaşam koçuyum. Bu videomda sevgili gazeteci arkadaşlarımız için faydalı olacağını düşündüğüm 100 neşe nefesi tekniğini kısaca paylaştım. Bu nefesi her gün, tercihen sabahları uyanınca güne başlamadan önce yapmanızı öneririm. Gün içinde veya akşam da yapabilirsiniz.
Nefes çalışmaları kaygı ve anksiyetenin kontrol altına alınmasına, genel olarak stresle başa çıkmaya, bedenin ve zihnin rahatlamasına yardımcı olur.
Herhangi bir sorunuz olduğunda veya kişiye özel nefes seansı yapmak isterseniz, Instagram hesabımdan DM yoluyla bana ulaşabilirsiniz.”
< Video Language: Turkish
CFWIJ’den Damla Tarhan ile kısa bir meditasyon
“Ben Damla Tarhan. Üç yıldır vinyasa yoga yapıyorum. Gündelik iş ve hayat koşuşturmacasından yorulan meslektaşlarım için kısa bir meditasyon videosu hazırladım. Bugüne dek edindiğim bilgiler doğrultusunda hazırladığım bu kısa videonun rahatlamanıza yardımcı bir rehber olmasını diliyorum.
Böylesine hızlı ve yorucu bir mesleği çok severek ve kendini ona adayarak çalışan idealist meslektaşlarımın 3 dakikada yalnızca kendi nefeslerini keşfederek iş stresinden uzaklaşabilmelerinin mümkün olduğuna inanıyorum.”
< Video Language: Turkish