InnovationLab 2022 by NewsLAB Turkey
What is the role of civil society organizations when it comes to advocacy? What are the steps for a successful advocacy campaign that NGOs can follow? Our operations manager, Damla Tarhan Durmuş, spoke at NewsLAB conference about CFWIJ’s work to support women and LGBTQ+ journalists and organizing campaigns for advocacy work.
🗓️ September 22, 2022, Thursday
🕐 9 AM-6 PM GMT+3
🎙️ Tasarım Kadıköy Atölyesi (TAK), Istanbul, Turkey

Women For Press Freedom
How can journalists protect their mental health from online harassment, stress & psychological trauma? Sania Farooqi is in conversation with Kiran Nazish, founding director of the CFWIJ, and journalist Ghada Queiss.
🗓️ July 19 Tuesday
🕐 9 AM ET
🎙️ Youtube&IG

Mental health for journalists, in the age of trolling
As women journalists in the field, panelists will shed light on the damage caused by a culture of misogyny prevalent in the online space and share what measures they took to safeguard their mental health.

Palestine: Women journalists report on a neglected story
In the aftermath of Shireen Abu Akleh’s killing in Palestine, join Kiran Nazish in conversation with Dalya Masri, Megan O'Toole, and Rania Zabaneh about how women journalists have taken on the mantle of reporting the truth, often amidst a censored and biased media.

Press Freedom Day Panel: Press Freedom and Gender
Press Freedom Day Panel: Press Freedom and Gender

Press Freedom and Gender
On May 10, 2022 at 3:00 PM CET, we are honored to invite you to join us in discussing the global landscape for women journalists and what the future holds for them.

What Afghan Women Want: Perspectives of Afghan women journalists, leaders, and stories from the ground
In 2001, then US lady Laura Bush famously justified the United States' invasion of Afghanistan with the promise of better lives for women.

How To Tackle SLAPP Cases Against Journalists Around Europe
CFWIJ is hosting a panel discussion on SLAPP cases against journalists in Europe.

Exiled Women Journalists: A journey of struggle and victories
Exiled journalists often face indiscriminate challenges in host countries.

Türkiye'de Gazetecilere Yönelik SLAPP Davaları
Dünyanın birçok yerinde gazeteciler kamuyu ilgilendiren konularda gerçekleri araştırdıklar ve kamuoyunu bilgilendirmek amacıyla haber yaptıkları için haklarında “Kamusal Katılıma Karşı Stratejik Davalar” - İngilizce kısaltmasıyla SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) davaları açılıyor. Türkiye, gazetecilerin SLAPP davaları ile en çok hedef alındığı ülkelerden biri.

Feminist Self-Defense Workshop
Gazeteciler olarak sahada, çalıştığımız kurumda her yerde şiddete maruz kalıyoruz. Bu yüzden de kendi hayatımızın; kendi kararlarımızın; kendi bedenlerimizin ve kendi geleceğimizin sahibi olmak istiyoruz.

Ukraine: Women journalists Reporting From The Frontline
CFWIJ hosts a panel on Russia's invasion of Ukraine and women on the frontline and their experiences on the ground.

Women In Journalism Networking Night
Pandemi etkilerinin azaldığı bugünlerde gazeteci kadınlar olarak yeniden biraraya geliyoruz! İstanbul’da düzenleyeceğimiz buluşma etkinliklerimize tüm gazeteci kadınları bekliyoruz. Katılım için lütfen press@womeninjournalism.org adresine kaç kişi geleceğinizi, isim soyisim ve çalıştığınız medya kuruluşunun adını yazarak mail atın. Görüşmek üzere 👋🎉🎊🍺