Webinar: Legal Defence — Emerging Challenges in Press Freedom and The International Legal Framework
#Savethedate: Every year dozens of #womenjournalists are arrested and impeded while reporting on politically charged issues. #CFWIJ and @mediadefence bring a webinar to equip journalists with legal knowledge that can protect them. Please register via email and join us on Oct 26.

Instagram Live with Katia Mierzejewska And Corinne Redfern
#Savethedate: Our engagement coordinator @KatMierzejewska will talk about investigative journalism when it comes to marginalized issues, with #CFWIJ member and @FullerProject correspondent @CorrineRedfern on October 16 at 2:00 PM CET. Join our IG live: https://instagram.com/womeninjournalism/

Instagram Live with Katia Mierzejewska And Khushbu Shah
#Thursday: Our engagement coordinator @katia_mierzejewska and @khushbuoshea, editor in chief of @fullerproject, will be discussing the ways to report on women in an objective manner, the challenges that female reporters face, disinformation and Khushbu's experiences while covering the stories of gender inequality, racism and police brutality. Tune in InstaLIVE on Thursday, at 11:00 AM EST/5:00 PM CEST.