IG Live with Katarzyna Mierzejewska And Nora Wehofsits
📌 #December17: Our engagement coordinator @katia_mierzejewska will be discussing with press freedom expert Nora Wehofsits about the current environment and decline in press freedom in Europe. Tune in on InsaLIVE on December 17, at 2:00 PM CET/8:00 AM EST

IG Live with Katarzyna Mierzejewska And Paisley Dodds
📌#Wednesday: Our engagement coordinator @katia_mierzejewska will be discussing with Paisley Dodds, investigations editor at The New Humanitarian, about being a female investigative journalist, covering sexual abuse and corruption. During UN #16daysofactivismagainstgenderbasedviolence, CFWIJ will be organizing several events to highlight violence against #women #journalists. Keep following us! Tune in on IG on Wednesday, at 8:00 AM EST/2:00 PM CET

IG Live with Katarzyna Mierzejewska And Paula Maria Saucedo Ruiz
📌 #Tuesday: Our engagement coordinator @katia_mierzejewska will be discussing with journalist Paula Maria Saucedo Ruiz about the challenges that women journalists are facing everyday and and violence against #WomenInJournalism in #Mexico. Tune in on InsaLIVE on December 8, at 4:00 PM CET/10:00 AM EST.

FB Live with Katarzyna Mierzejewska And Anastasia Moloney
📌📅 #Friday: Join our #FacebookLive on November 27 at 3:30 PM CET!
We will speak to @anastasia.moloney15 about the reality of being a female reporter in Colombia, the impact of #COVID19 breakout and the escalating level of violence against women journalists in #LatinAmerica. Tune in on InsaLIVE on Friday, at 9:30 AM EST

IG Live with Katarzyna Mierzejewska and Alice Taylor
📌#Wednesday: Our engagement coordinator @katia_mierzejewska will be discussing with journalist Alice Taylor about challenges of being a woman journalist and covering politics in the current environment.
During the UN #16daysofactivismagainstgenderbasedviolence, CFWIJ will be organizing several events to highlight violence against #women #journalists. Keep following us! Tune in on IG on Wednesday, at 6:00 AM EST/12:00 PM CET

IG Live with Kiran Nazish and Ronit Plank
This Saturday we have something different for you.
An intuitive conversation lead by our founder @kirannazish with author, and podcaster @RonitPlank. We love Ronit’s deep and personal journey of understanding her relationship with her mother, that eventually became a memoirs to be published on Mother’s Day 2021. Ronit’s amazing work through her podcast highlights diverse voices and experiences that writers often never talk about. Kiran Nazish will speak to Ronit Plank about emotions, pain, redemption, recovery and what made her such an intuitive listener.

IG Live with Katarzyna Mierzejewska And Johanna Pisco
#Savethedate: Our engagement coordinator will be discussing with journalist Johanna Pisco opportunities and challenges for freelance women journalists in terms of pitching, applying for funds and struggling with uncertainty. Tune in InstaLIVE on #Thursday, at 2:00 PM CET.

IG Live with Kiran Nazish And Ashleigh Renard
#Savethedate: Our founder @kirannazish will be discussing with writer @ashleighrenard juggling with life's chaos, being successful, messages of the universe and tarot reading. Tune in InstaLIVE on #Tuesday, at 1:00 PM EST.

Panel: Exploring Disinformation and Attacks on Reporters' Credibility
On November 9th, British Consulate will host a special event with @UBCJournalism & GlobalRepCentre to explore disinformation and attacks on reporters' credibility. Moderated by @SusanleJeuneUK, CFWIJ founder Kiran Nazish will be discussing some pressing issues on this subject that are impacting our #democracies; along with some ideas on a way forward.

Webinar: Legal Defence — Emerging Challenges in Press Freedom and The International Legal Framework
#Savethedate: Every year dozens of #womenjournalists are arrested and impeded while reporting on politically charged issues. #CFWIJ and @mediadefence bring a webinar to equip journalists with legal knowledge that can protect them. Please register via email and join us on Oct 26.

Instagram Live with Katia Mierzejewska And Corinne Redfern
#Savethedate: Our engagement coordinator @KatMierzejewska will talk about investigative journalism when it comes to marginalized issues, with #CFWIJ member and @FullerProject correspondent @CorrineRedfern on October 16 at 2:00 PM CET. Join our IG live: https://instagram.com/womeninjournalism/

Instagram Live with Katia Mierzejewska And Khushbu Shah
#Thursday: Our engagement coordinator @katia_mierzejewska and @khushbuoshea, editor in chief of @fullerproject, will be discussing the ways to report on women in an objective manner, the challenges that female reporters face, disinformation and Khushbu's experiences while covering the stories of gender inequality, racism and police brutality. Tune in InstaLIVE on Thursday, at 11:00 AM EST/5:00 PM CEST.

#Attackswontsilenceus Campaign Webinar
#AttackWontSilenceUS campaign webinar Friday 25 September 2020 at 6:00 PM Pakistan Time
The Coalition For Women In Journalism is holding The “Attacks Won’t Silence Us” webinar on Friday, September 25, 2020, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Pakistan time.
The Keynote speakers are:
Amber Shamsi, Samaa TV
Gharidah Farooqi, NEWS-ONE
Kiran Nazish, CFWIJ
Marvi Sirmed, Senior journalist
Tanzeela Mazhar, GTV NETWORK HD
It will be discussed threats against women journalists in Pakistan, the aftermath of #AttacksWontSilenceUs campaign, and next steps for women journalists to combat online trolling and cyberattacks.
The Webinar will be on Zoom via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88575642830 and will be streamed on our Youtube and Facebook accounts.
If you want to join the discussion and webinar you can register through this Registration form.
You may submit your questions and comments to the webinar chat directly or using hashtags #ThreatsToWIJ or #AttackWontSilenceUs. You can also email us your questions to press@womeninjournalism.org
The webinar is one of CFWIJ’s advocacy campaign activities that we launched to support Pakistani women journalists in line with the #AttacksWontSilenceUs campaign.
Our in-focus page on Pakistan is a deep dive into the dynamics women journalists encounter reporting from the counter. This focus page offers knowledgeable data we have gathered from Pakistan over two years, and plugs in some useful insight and testimonies about experiences of women journalists. we launched #ThreatsToWIJ campaign to create more public awareness about the threats women journalists face as a response to the murder of journalist Shaheena Shaheen. The campaign highlighted the dire reality of women journalists and we concluded its finding in a report.
This webinar aims to discuss the future of press freedom in Pakistan and provide recommendations to improve the state of press freedom in Pakistan. Please feel free to share your suggestions and insights with us on hashtag #ThreatsToWIJ or @CFWIJ.
For further information about the Coalition visit our website: www.womeninjournalism.org

Instagram Live with CFWIJ’s Samar Elhussieny and Journalist Shaymaa Abu Elkhier
How does press freedom look like under siege in Egypt?
Our Research Coordinator Samar Elhussieny will chat with journalist Shaymaa Abu Elkhier on Instagram LIVE on August 24, 06:00 AM EST.

Instagram Live with CFWIJ’s Zeynep Gürcan And Journalist Yeşim Yavuzer
#August17: Five #women #journalists are still behind bars. Our research coordinator Zeynep Gürcan and editor of @pressinarrest, @yesimyavuzer will chat about press freedom in #Turkey and #weaponization of law against #journalists. Tune in InstaLIVE on next Monday, at 17.00 pm Turkey time.

Instagram Live with Our Fellow Agnieszka Pkiulicka and Darina Solod
#June25: Our fellow @aga_pik1 will chat with journalist, and editor-in-chief of the Hook Report @DarinaSolod about the #coronavirus in #uzbekistan, #afghanistan and #poland, journalism and mental health in isolation as well as the developing feminist movement in #uzbekistan. Tune in on InsaLIVE next #Thursday, at 6 pm Uzbekistan time, 9 am EST.

Instagram Live with Zeynep Gürcan and Arzu Geybullayeva
#Turkey #June24: How do online censorship mechanisms affect journalism? How do women journalists tackle crackdowns on freedom of expression in digital space? Our Research Coordinator Zeynep Gürcan will chat with journalist and founder of Azerbaijan Internet Watch @arzu_g on InstagramLive on June 24, 13:00 PM EST

Instagram Live with Kiran Nazish and Xhante Scharff
We‘re thrilled to have the @fullerproject join us at 12:00 PM EST for a conversation. We will chat about how #Covid19 and #US protests have affected women journalists and their reportage. Join us on Instagram @fullerproject & @womeninjournalism

Instagram Live with Dima Hamdan From The Marie Colvin Journalists' Network
We are looking forward to this conversation with the Maria Colvin Journalists’ Network to talk about the conditions women journalists work in the Middle East. Join us for Instagram LIVE on Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. EST/15:00 pm UK Time.

Instagram Live with Our Turkey Coordinator Damla Tarhan and Journalist Rabia Çetin
How has Covid-19 affected the journalism industry in Turkey? How do women journalists work on the frontlines amid pandemic? Our Turkey and MENA Coordinator Damla Tarhan will chat with journalist Rabia Çetin on Instagram LIVE on June 6, 13:00 PM EST.