Coalition For Women In Journalism

Advocacy and support for women and LGBTQ journalists around the world. Find our daily coverage from 128 countries in our Press Freedom Newsroom.

Ukraine Crisis: Five Journalists Killed, Press Faces Heat


As the situation on the ground worsens, journalists and reporters from around the world find themselves in the midst of the conflict as they strive to ensure extensive and independent reportage.


Killed in the field 2021


Evacuation and

Resettlement Efforts

Since August 2021, CFWIJ has evacuated and assisted 320 journalists, women leaders and activists to safety.

We’ve done everything from relocations, and providing safe houses to safe transports to evacuate women journalists, leaders and many others with their families.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way,
please use the following link to report the incident



Join our mission

Since 2019 the CFWIJ has supported and advocated for more than 2100 women journalists who encountered such circumstances across 128 countries.

This work needs support. You too can join us in this mission and help elevate change driven courageous journalism.


Every day at least 5 women journalists face a violation while doing their job.

Want to change things? Every day we work on finding solutions for them. Join us in our mission to make the world equal, safe and thriving for women journalists. 


#CFWIJ Twitter



Strengthen Your Mental Health

A healthy and thriving mind and mindset are key to meaningful work.” - Kiran Nazish

The dangers of the job and its hefty demands can take a toll on any journalist, often at the expense of their mental health. We wish to express our support not only through our advocacy work but also by sharing your experience of dealing with the challenges of our profession. To support your mental wellbeing and assist you in managing your stress, our new brand now features a mental health section. You will find advice from experts on working through your anxieties, hardships and trauma. We hope the support we offer here, helps you find the care you need!




Legal Trials

