Coalition For Women in Journalism

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Venezuela: Exiled Journalist Sebastiana Barráez Yet Again Targeted - Women Press Freedom Calls for Action

Public Ministry Accuses Sebastiana Barráez in Corruption Scandal

Location: Venezuela, Caracas
Date: May 14, 2024

Women Press Freedom expresses unwavering solidarity with exiled journalist Sebastiana Barráez, who faces renewed accusations from the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab. The allegations, linked to an alleged corruption scheme within the oil industry, referred to as "PDVSA-Cripto," once again thrust Barráez into the legal spotlight. The accusations involve her purported participation in an "extortionate media structure" supposedly overseen by former Minister of Petroleum, Tareck El Aissami. Previously, Barráez faced legal actions related to an operation named "White Bracelet," targeting high-ranking government officials. Women Press Freedom condemns the relentless targeting and threats against Sebastiana Barráez and calls for a thorough investigation into these claims, demanding accountability for those responsible for intimidating the journalist. We urge authorities to protect journalists' rights to perform their duties without fear of reprisal.

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Attorney General Saab has implicated Sebastiana Barráez, alongside journalists Roberto Deniz and Ewald Scharfenberg, in a parallel payroll within Petróleos de Venezuela, SA (PDVSA). They are accused of orchestrating "discredit campaigns against the legitimately constituted authorities of Venezuela," allegedly involving other social communicators and content creators. These claims stem from information provided by businessman Samark López, associated with El Aissami and detained on corruption charges. The accusations signal a critical development in the investigations into corruption within the oil industry.

This is not the first instance of legal scrutiny for Barráez. Earlier, the Public Ministry issued arrest warrants against her and others in connection with "White Bracelet," an operation purportedly aimed at high-profile government officials. 

The recent accusations have triggered a wave of online harassment and misinformation campaigns against Barráez, further highlighting the challenges faced by journalists in Venezuela. The sustained attacks on Barráez and other media professionals underscore the broader issues surrounding freedom of the press and the independent media landscape in the country.

Women Press Freedom documented the issuance of arrest warrants for Barráez on January 22, 2024, following the announcement by the Attorney General's Office regarding the detention of 31 civilians and soldiers. These arrests were connected to alleged plots against the Maduro-led government that were reportedly thwarted between May 2023 and the beginning of 2024. Barráez, who has been targeted by the Venezuelan dictatorship for an extended period, now lives in exile in a European country with her daughter for safety concerns.

Women Press Freedom stands firmly in support of Sebastiana Barráez. As events continue to develop, Barráez's situation serves as a poignant reminder of the dangers confronting journalists in politically charged settings. The persistent harassment and coercion faced by journalists such as Barráez raise significant concerns about the status of press freedom and democratic principles in Venezuela. We vehemently condemn the ongoing harassment of Barráez designed to stifle her voice and obstruct her journalistic endeavors. We call upon the international community to closely monitor the situation, advocate for an end to the unjust targeting of journalists, and show solidarity with journalists like Barráez enduring persecution in Venezuela.

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Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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